



From 10/21/2016 to 11/19/2016


08:01 AM Bug #17307 (Closed): hammer csv -h fails with uninitialized constant
Andrew Kofink
07:15 AM Bug #17307 (Closed): hammer csv -h fails with uninitialized constant
To reproduce:
$ hammer csv -h
Error: uninitialized constant HammerCLICsv::Help
Andrew Kofink
08:01 AM Revision cea2c1b9 (hammer-cli-csv): Fixes #17307 - move help module out of CsvCommand (#137)
Andrew Kofink


02:30 PM Bug #17259 (Closed): support import/export docker products
add docker content type repos to products Thomas McKay


11:01 AM Bug #17223 (Closed): SortedBuilder undefined because HammerCLI renamed it to TextBuilder
Applied in changeset commit:hammer-cli-csv|0bd50d7a2ba7f470e8fdee1f39eee44f38dbc349. Anonymous
09:55 AM Bug #17223 (Closed): SortedBuilder undefined because HammerCLI renamed it to TextBuilder
Trying to run `hammer -vd` with csv module enabled gives:
Warning: An error occured while loading module hammer_cl...
Andrew Kofink
10:07 AM Revision 0bd50d7a (hammer-cli-csv): Fixes #17223 - use HammerCLI's new help model (#135)
HammerCLICsv is broken due to
Andrew Kofink


11:02 AM Bug #17051 (Closed): activation-keys import PUT request quantity is the total quantity, not the quantity to consume by the activation key
Applied in changeset commit:hammer-cli-csv|d76bdbc02400b7ed93f8d77ef1c746b8e9936f64. Anonymous
10:18 AM Revision d76bdbc0 (hammer-cli-csv): Fixes #17051 - PUT quantity to attach for AK subs (#134)
PUT the quantity to attach to the activation key rather than the
total quantity attached
`activation-keys --itemized...
Andrew Kofink
09:01 AM Bug #16999 (Closed): creating manifest in portal fails to process results correctly
Applied in changeset commit:hammer-cli-csv|e9e0ab3ae4efea23f66446a66b9e079118b3aa19. Thomas McKay
08:21 AM Revision 68cc462a (hammer-cli-csv): Merge pull request #133 from thomasmckay/16999-portal
fixes #16999 - process portal creation Thomas McKay

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