# 3.5.0 * Feature #35287: Create column selector on host index page * Bug #34219: Page title incorrect on new host details page * Feature #35361: Make columns on host index page selectable * Bug #35859: foreman-proxy logrotate sends signal to all processes under foreman-proxy.service * Feature #35638: Add stronger ciphers to Candlepin's config * Bug #35673: User is able to create table preference without columns * Refactor #33881: Drop deprecated methods * Bug #35605: new host details - Details tab cards are all in one column on very tall screens * Feature #35619: Add kernel_version to reported data facet for use in new host UI OS card * Feature #35623: Add reported data profile for hosts index page * Feature #35621: Power status should be a selectable column * Bug #35622: Add kernel release to new host details operating system card * Bug #35684: Filter "Applied catalog in x.y seconds" messages out of Puppet report * Bug #35409: make sprockets-based plugin assets reachable from within /var/lib/foreman/public/assets * Bug #34807: Access to /etc/resolv.conf is denied when using systemd-resolved * Refactor #35423: Update ancestry to version 4 * Refactor #35421: Pin will_paginate to at least 3.3.0 * Refactor #35422: Update audited to version 5 * Feature #35607: Configure Pulpcore's TELEMETRY feature * Feature #35631: Enable HTTP/2 in Apache configs * Feature #35681: Add support to customize rhsm API URL and pulpcore content URL * Bug #35473: Kerberos authentication fails for POST, PUT and DELETE api calls * Bug #35708: Malformed translation strings * Feature #35733: Add network category to selectable columns * Bug #35751: Hide Manage columns button text in small screens * Feature #35800: Add foreman_kernel_care support to the installer * Bug #35326: Foreman Puppet ENC "hostname" and "fqdn" conflict with core Puppet Facts * Bug #35809: smart_proxy_ansible needs smart_proxy_rex, but installer doesn't set it up automatically