# 1.14.3 * Bug #18800: content_facet_attributes no longer optional on api/hosts * Bug #18718: Saving a boolean matcher with no value changes the value to false * Bug #18722: Can't edit parameter after foreman update 1.13.4 to 1.14.1 * Feature #18584: Api for listing all auth sources * Bug #18587: cannot create or edit subnets and domains in IE11 * Bug #18843: Change eager_load to includes statement in hosts api controller's index action * Bug #18929: rails-observer dependency required for TopbarSweeper * Bug #18948: User logged in via SSO is redirected to login form after session expiration instead of auto re-login * Bug #18988: controller_key is required for this operation * Bug #18950: ComputeResourceIntegrationTest#test_0003_compute resource password [..] fails on capybara 2.13.0 * Bug #15374: Delete discovered Host ends in error: undefined method `progress_report_id' * Bug #18588: Editing Smart Class parameters using Internet Explorer fails with Internal Server Error