# Katello 3.7.1 * Bug #24499: On the Sync Status page, the Active Only checkbox does not work * Bug #24309: Add Subscriptions: Subscriptions with Unlimited Entitlements list as "-1" * Bug #24243: Recommended repositories toggle is too close to the "Available Repositories" header on narrow displays * Bug #23993: Filtering of some entities does not work * Bug #24500: installation/update package using Katello web UI not working * Bug #24229: Its not clear what repo type filter does in RH repos page * Bug #24649: Katello Upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 fails on subscription import * Bug #24127: UI fails silently when uploading manifests produces warnings/errors * Bug #24651: Cannot remove packages from content host web UI * Bug #22696: Content view incremental update fails when --packages option used * Bug #24678: Bulk action for Manage Repository Sets is broken * Bug #24288: Loading state should render a spinner after a small delay * Bug #24129: Hide link to "Add subscriptions" when no manifest is uploaded * Bug #24292: Difficulty editing CDN url field * Bug #24304: Error when using REX for errata installation * Bug #24310: No notification and 500 ISE while disabling repository included in published content view * Bug #24324: Add eslint to jenkins for webpack * Bug #24336: clean up test output for jest (react) tests * Bug #24265: Repo discovery: adding GPG key doesn't actually assign it to neither repo nor product * Bug #24335: "Requires Virt-Who" column incorrect in new Subscriptions UI * Bug #24354: Black background instead of transparency on subscription related modals * Bug #24768: updating errata counts on a content host should not use validation * Bug #22568: RH repos XUI: page crashes when in Any context * Bug #24769: unable to search for packages * Bug #24374: User db upgrade from 3.4 to 3.7 failed at Upgrade Step: set_upstream_pool_id * Bug #24389: Content Host Applicable Package List page can DOS Foreman server and Postgres * Bug #24143: Subscriptions page throws error under the "Any Organization" context * Bug #23801: Cannot sync Atomic kickstart nor RPMs * Bug #24273: restrict_composite_view flag prevents CCV promotion even when component versions have been promoted * Bug #24390: Content source is not inherited from hostgroup while creating host * Bug #24812: clean_backend_objects does not verify managed host status prior to action * Bug #23886: Add product content info to new subscription details page * Bug #23750: RH Subscriptions: ensure toast notifications when a task is started * Bug #23989: New Sync Plan Start Time Not Displayed Properly * Bug #24523: Pushing updates from katello 3.7 to CentOS 7.5 client not working * Bug #23992: Unable to use select action on content host (Manage Subscription) * Bug #24892: 3.6 to 3.7 upgrade issue: katello_pools_hypervisor_fk constraint violation * Bug #24141: "Select All" on folded subscriptions should be implied/automatic * Bug #24188: RH Repositories page ostree filter shows no results * Bug #24190: fix
tag * Bug #24986: Unit test failure on host full search * Bug #25216: Unsigned packages for Katello 3.7.1 * Bug #23510: Error when fetching available subscription quantities shouldn't block quantity editing * Bug #24341: on smartproxies, calls to api/v2/ are no passed to upstream foreman server