# 1.9.1 * Bug #10850: Uninstalling a plugin with a dashboard leads to "Template is missing" error in the ui * Bug #11673: API settings unquoted integer provided gives error * Bug #11650: Inherited variable fields empty in 'edit host' / 'new host' screens * Bug #11339: parameter unique index migration should account for duplicate data * Bug #11428: External user groups refresh is not case insensitive * Bug #10929: No way to add dashboard widgets? * Bug #11727: "User|Mail enabled" missing user friendly text * Feature #6854: foreman api status is restricted for admin only * Bug #11663: Empty lookup value validated even when use_puppet_default is checked * Bug #11095: Host(group) edit -> when adding/removing puppetclass the current status of the lookup values is saved to DB * Bug #11111: Select action dropdown menu should be right aligned * Bug #9293: Organisation menu doesn't auto-close * Bug #11149: foreman-debug to collect two httpd katello.conf files * Bug #9108: It's not possible to overwrite a default value of a parameter inherited from parent host group in nested host group * Bug #10340: AD auth hangs while syncing user groups on login * Bug #11170: foreman-rake: setting complex parameters (arrays, hashes) broken? * Bug #4468: Host page says "Reports from the last days" with reports only from the last day * Bug #11014: insufficent space for subnet domain assocation force a line drop. * Bug #11312: foreman should allow plugins to update the Rabl view_path * Bug #11220: PGError: ERROR: column reference "name" is ambiguous LINE 11 * Bug #11619: Can't seed locked templates * Feature #11379: Audit search does not work with hostgroup/os titles * Bug #11231: Period character in parameters causes 406 error * Bug #11621: n+1 query on User groups index * Bug #11258: Can't update BMC through API without specifying provider * Bug #10133: Massive db deadlocks in postgres from hosts_counter updates with counter_cache_fix.rb * Bug #11473: Not able to set domain in interfaces initially