# Katello 3.4.0 * Bug #18670: upgrade to vcr 3.0 * Bug #18383: Some styling issues on the content view filter pages * Bug #18396: Collect additional pulp configurations left out by katello-debug * Bug #18393: cannot go to task details from errata task list * Feature #13815: Show content counts for file type repositories * Feature #17028: CP 2.0: Phase 1: Update katello-candlepin ruby bindings * Bug #15758: Remove katello-disconnected (or katello-utils) * Tracker #17158: Replace Nutupane with Single Item/List Views * Feature #17163: Remove Nutupane from Errata Pages * Feature #17168: Remove Nutupane from Content Host pages * Bug #16256: Repeated SSL warnings in httpd logs * Bug #19209: Interval is shown twice on sync plan info page * Bug #16052: Non-enabled products can be added to a sync plan by ID via the API * Refactor #18052: Group bulk products buttons into dropdown * Bug #17986: Typos in installer --help * Bug #17060: Add hammer ping and katello-service status commands to foreman-debug script * Bug #17165: Remove Nutupane from Puppet Modules pages * Bug #17266: Fix tests that depend on CVE 2016-7078 * Bug #17726: update content view docker to include filters * Refactor #17857: Remove scoped_search 4 deprecations * Bug #18416: Weight capsule sync tasks appropriately * Bug #17966: Create blue primary buttons for each page * Bug #18503: rake katello:rubocop does not provide accurate return code * Feature #18049: Remove nutupane from environment pages * Feature #18050: Remove nutupane from task details * Bug #18164: do not show file repositories tab on content view versions without any file repos * Bug #18223: new container from content view ui page not working * Bug #18220: Fix usages of sub-header angular block in katello * Bug #18236: Use regular names for settings * Bug #18266: after running the hostname change, the old hostname is still showing in the content host registration page * Bug #18258: Allow batched content install actions during errata install * Bug #18075: [RFE] Include disk space check in katello-debug * Bug #18361: need ostree repo sync show better progress information. * Bug #18413: candlepin 2.0 requires numeric ids for products * Bug #18423: [UX] content host page for unregistered host shows both states * Bug #18441: datetime format should be db independent for support mysql * Bug #18465: [UX] host UI page link to content host incorrect * Bug #18475: Uninitialized contant Host::ContentFacet on hostgroup edit * Bug #18634: [UX] bookmark search on content hosts add subscriptions page does not specify controller param * Bug #18571: katello debug should not use known directory structures * Bug #18759: registration with activation key fails with 'Couldn't find Domain with 'id'=1 [WHERE (1=0)]' * Bug #18848: publishing a puppet module in a content view errors * Bug #18884: Fix indentation in answers files * Bug #18979: Latest errata widget host count isn't correctly pluralized * Bug #19027: Unknown class TransportFailure * Bug #19089: Tasks table not setting table.working to false correctly * Bug #19118: Add foreman CLI deployment through installer * Bug #19158: removing multiple subscriptions causes parallel calls to candlepin * Bug #19162: Update foreman-tasks to 0.9.0 * Bug #19207: [UX] content view action button needs switching to "select action" * Bug #19336: Remote execution from Host Collections with non-admin user fails with error 'rendering 403 because of missing permission' * Bug #19499: Make katello-backup metadata file in yml format * Bug #19004: As a user, I want a clear indication in UI when content access mode is org_environment * Feature #18497: [RFE] Allow creating package groups via API * Bug #19073: Upgrade bastion to 5.0.0 * Bug #19467: Add Schema column for Docker Manifest * Bug #18370: [UX] change dropdown buttons in katello to use "Select Action" and correct patternfly styling * Bug #19446: Incremental backup script in effect is performing full backup. * Bug #18270: after hostname change - publishing a content view with puppet modules in it throws ssl error * Bug #18247: Capsule-certs-generate` asks to register capsule to `Default Organization` instead of org set at install * Bug #16824: need mechanism to clear repository upstream username and password * Feature #17622: Enhance UI to make the need for virt-who apparent * Bug #17709: Cannot create a hostgroup with a content view * Bug #18543: Not all foreman modules are excluded from the parser cache * Refactor #17867: Adopt patternfly forms on discovery sync * Feature #18524: Allow force republish of content view version repos * Bug #18526: checkboxes in forms should have the label and checkbox in-line * Bug #18847: Correct the directory name for hammer activation keys tests * Bug #18849: katello-certs-check doesn't check expiration date * Feature #18859: Need API's to content overrides for single host * Bug #18984: rake katello:clean_backend_objects fails with Must specify at least one search criteria. * Bug #17757: Standard user is unable to access "Red Hat Subscriptions" page * Bug #17882: Update the button label from New XXX to Create XXX * Bug #18368: no implicit conversion of String into Array (TypeError) when running katello-restore * Bug #18749: require test file in content_view/puppet_module/add_test.rb * Refactor #18354: Use Setting[:entries_per_page] not Setting::General.entries_per_page * Bug #18406: goferd segfaults while pushing erratas to 1K clients * Feature #18631: As a user, I want future-dated subscriptions to be displayed. * Bug #18283: The Docker Tags page spins forever under Any Context * Bug #18360: db:migrate fails with wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) due to pagelets change * Bug #18784: Sync Errata should send emails only if Errata count is greater than 0 * Bug #18392: require test file in content_view add_repository_test.rb * Bug #18411: tag in pulp-2.12 * Bug #18419: katello errata by date content view filter cannot be created in ui * Bug #18711: Can't enter text in box in manage packages modal * Bug #18421: Succesfully promoted to undefined * Bug #18536: Trying to apply errata on host-collection using hammer fails * Bug #18448: searching on content hosts page and hitting enter opens 'register a host' page instead of searching * Bug #18973: Deleting a product results in "product not found" cp errors * Bug #18593: docker repos not synced to capsule * Bug #19371: hammer --noncomposite ignores the value passed to it and always removed composite views * Feature #18860: hammer host subscriptions content overrides needs to use updated api * Bug #19607: Content host errata list does not display with error "404 not found" * Feature #18558: Add option to force sync repository * Bug #18589: Add better documentation on how to add tests to hammer-cli-katello * Bug #18586: Add action scopes to hosts API controller. * Bug #18580: [UX] "Manage Manifest" button on subscriptions page should land on "Import/Remove Manifest" page * Bug #18641: Cannot enable compute resource via "foreman-installer --scenario katello" * Bug #18785: Hammer shows no errata "installable" even if it is actually installable" * Bug #17219: obsolete squid directives * Bug #18894: auto load rake tasks * Bug #18896: candlepin /pools API deprecated * Bug #18959: undefined method when no Pulp capsule present * Bug #18656: syncing a capsule fails with ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Couldn't find SmartProxy with 'id'=2 * Bug #18655: Do not index full rpm metadata if already present * Bug #18682: Offload upload package profile to dynflow executor * Bug #19138: Content view publish styling is off * Feature #18727: Need a way to run bunch of tests based of wildcard * Feature #18754: Add top level file type UI page * Feature #18755: Add UI page to manage file content in a repository * Bug #18983: Composite Content View shows incorrect total number of included repos * Bug #18858: [UX] content view puppet modules page blank, missing way to add modules * Bug #17378: candlepin uses ca cert for server cert * Bug #18812: Content hosts show red untitled status from webui yet subscribed from command line, as well as green fully entitled with no subscription attached * Bug #18827: 3.3 - Search box is small on CV puppet modules page * Feature #18897: [UX] selection choices for content host subscriptions * Bug #18832: Make sure permissions are present before test execution * Bug #18844: Support verify content sync on bulk products * Feature #18895: [RFE] Traces should effect the hosts status * Bug #18879: upgrade fail with error : Upgrade Step: set_virt_who_on_pools (this may take a while) ... * Bug #18034: Lifecycle environments not displayed correctly with restricted permissions * Bug #18971: Custom pools deleted after importing or refreshing a manifest * Bug #18137: The Script katello-backup reports Permission denied messages * Feature #19018: File big issue into syslog when katello-service performs an action * Bug #19023: Potential for stuck task in repository remove_content action * Bug #18333: katello-backup returns with wrong exit code when failing * Bug #19054: Katello backup uses special characters in directory name * Bug #18226: Unable to delete Default Location from katello * Bug #18268: Unable to pull content from katello after registering a content host after hostname change process * Feature #19074: Upgrade bastion to 5.0.0 part 2 the sequel * Bug #19128: Wrong link in foreman.tld/subscriptions to hypervisor hosts * Bug #19120: virt-who reporting fails with "No route matches [POST] /rhsm/hypervisors/Default_Organization" * Bug #19194: Creating a sync plan while creating a product doesn't work * Bug #18459: [RFE] - Applying Erratum to a client, Cancel and Next button only visible while scrolling through the entire list of content-hosts * Bug #19143: Content Views display 2x when creating a new Composite CV * Bug #19136: 400 on installable bulk errata on content hosts page * Refactor #19180: Remove crane from the installer * Bug #19184: Ensure that satellite-clone hammer script is tested * Bug #19227: katello-change-hostname should check services before running * Bug #19154: katello-backup should backup certs & foreman_cache_data on Puppet 4 * Bug #19155: katello-remove should remove Puppet 4 content * Bug #19195: Some new item forms are indented * Bug #19203: Docker tags lifecycle environments filter is badly styled * Bug #19210: 6.3 Red Hat Repositories Page: repository enable checkbox does not render properly * Bug #18470: Hammer does not list over 20 item per page for some resources * Bug #19262: hammer ping returns exit code 0 when service is failing * Bug #19273: Reset does not recreate candlepin db due to cpdp/cpinit in wrong location * Bug #15396: Upload manifest button should lock out * Bug #18533: Docker upstream repository name length limit * Bug #18923: Hammer- can't remove puppet module from content view by id -- uuid is sent instead * Bug #19498: katello-service uses logger -p without a priority * Bug #19016: Pulp Node inconsistencies * Bug #19421: Foreman Proxy with content ping check doesn't report capsule with issues * Bug #18577: auto-complete tag name on content view docker tag no longer working * Feature #18277: katello-backup should take backup of redhat-release file * Bug #18578: link from a yum repository in a content view does nothing * Bug #18669: VCR test fails on json 2.* * Feature #18335: Satellite 6: database online-backup should add pg_dumpall -g to include global permissions * Bug #18846: hammer activation key content overrides needs to use updated api * Bug #18939: Fix katello models to not have red confirmation buttons unless an action is destructive * Bug #19026: Stop calling back to candlepin for qpid messages * Bug #19216: katello-service should include puppetserver * Bug #19263: katello-remove errors if a directory is also a mount point * Refactor #18874: Remove jquery-ui-rails gem dependency * Bug #19433: Update `trigger` usage to `triggering_action` from dynflow change * Bug #15189: Package list in CLI lacks information * Bug #15555: Hammer repository remove-content should allow reposotiry ID resolution by name, organization, and product * Feature #14611: Add content-view purge command * Bug #18163: cancel button for new docker content view filter returns to the yum filters page * Bug #17298: Enable Process Recycling for Pulp Worker Processes * Feature #17640: Remove nutupane from puppet modules pages * Feature #17427: OSTree Sync pulls only the latest version * Bug #18405: Update installer upgrade process to include resolving data integrity issues. * Feature #17029: CP 2.0: Phase 1: Update katello layers to support new katello-candlepin ruby bindings * Bug #18420: errata by date content view filters do not display the dates properly * Bug #18702: `hammer package list --product-id 1` returns all packages for all products * Bug #18756: katello-backup --incremental failure does not provide adequate error message * Bug #18696: [RFE] add confirmation step for manifest deletion (explaining when refresh will do, and when have to use delete) * Feature #18773: Need API's to content overrides for bulk hosts * Bug #18916: identify pulp errata by id only, to save pulp celery memory * Bug #19187: Syncing ostree repo duplicates branches * Bug #19178: JS error on repository page * Bug #18032: Regression: Syncing large Library of content from Katello to Proxy takes hours even if no content changes * Bug #18188: undefined local variable error when navigating to red hat repositories page * Feature #17148: Add ability to search for hypervisors and guests * Bug #17555: Replace secondary add/remove tabs with patternfly secondary tabs * Feature #17567: Eliminate capsule-remove in favor of katello-remove * Feature #17642: Remove nutupane from OSTree branches pages * Refactor #17714: Move puppet to top level of the installer * Bug #17911: Inconsistent naming of errata applicable vs affected * Bug #18320: Missing bulk content host auto-attach button * Bug #18141: Katello fields do not show up on host view * Feature #18452: [UI] As a user, I want the product content UI pages to be a table. * Bug #18617: Update pulp server conf template 2.12 * Bug #17949: 255 character length too short for content view names * Bug #19453: katello-backup does not apply postgres group owner to the whole backup path * Bug #18579: Ostree View Branches link missing * Refactor #18881: remove jquery from katello * Bug #19250: Repo sync: several parameters not passed to pulp * Bug #19274: Missing "Override to no" option for enabled field in "Product Content" tabs * Feature #17215: Include Host's Host Collection to YAML definition. * Feature #17522: Need a server side tool to assist with the process of changing the hostname of the Katello server * Bug #17865: FileUnitPresenter has the wrong filename * Bug #18138: Puppet repository update fails with no method puppet_path for nil when missing a default smart proxy * Bug #18242: Update Katello-backup to omit the /var/lib/pulp/katello-export directory * Bug #17192: Provide more information about currently running upgrade steps * Bug #18499: hammer throws error "Uuid can't be blank" while adding groups to a content view filter of content type "Package Group" * Bug #18738: PG::Error: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "katello_environments" when viewing activation keys as a user with customized viewing permissions * Bug #19642: Puppet classes are not available for inclusion in host groups until imported from the filesystem * Bug #18453: Organization delete fails when products exist * Bug #18484: Katello is not able to sync OSTree contents using proxy * Refactor #18667: Adapt HostCollectionsController to Rails 4.2.8 * Feature #18774: Need API's to content overrides for AK * Bug #19038: After katello-agent installation goferd is not started * Bug #18819: Publish content view with puppet module fails "Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank" * Bug #18891: Content Hosts Traces page doesnt work * Bug #18990: Add links and make subscription add/remove tables more readable * Bug #19339: Repository Sets pages are not being displayed in production because of dependency injection typo * Feature #17220: Add links to the refresh manifest kcs article * Bug #17929: Trying to delete a Puppet content view version throws the error " TypeError: Value (NilClass) '' is not any of: ForemanTasks::Concerns::ActionSubject" * Bug #18084: Search raises PGError on feeding a non-integer value for a integer field * Bug #18117: Make katello-backup aware of Puppet4 * Bug #18118: Make katello-remove aware of Puppet4 * Bug #18140: unable to set focus in text field of content host bulk actions errata modal * Bug #18166: Use ReactJsHelper on Sync controller * Feature #18196: Ask users to run foreman-tail during upgrade * Bug #18685: Documentation: Troubleshooting page links to nothing * Feature #8407: API Missing activation key listing available service_levels * Feature #16276: Add content counters to Content View Versions Repositories overview * Bug #17132: Incorrect memory value under content host properties * Bug #17564: Unpacking tree in Red Hat Repositories sequentially contacts CDN for each and every CDN path * Bug #17663: create a virt-who guest and hypervisor report * Bug #18063: Org create returns unclear message when trying to assign a non-existent subnet * Bug #17691: "hammer repository upload-content --path" redundantly non-performant against big repos * Bug #17941: allow for force generation of repo metadata * Bug #17950: Collect /etc/profile.d files during foreman-debug run * Feature #17970: Refreshing a manifest should re-generate entitlement certificates. * Bug #18028: Custom product content published in Library isn't syncing to capsule * Bug #18198: katello-debug to collect httpd pulp logs * Feature #18253: repo search for docker image repos using the results of docker search * Bug #18263: Resyncing of RH kickstart repos after the hostname change - failed * Bug #18267: https://katello.example.com/pub shows entries for the old hostname * Bug #18352: `hammer content-view remove` has unnecessary option `--content-view-version-content-view-ids` * Bug #18523: hammer cli : hostgroup info is not showing content-related fields * Bug #18572: Hammer - Unable to remove repo content using repo name if more than one repository with same name exists * Feature #18925: Add schema to full backup if dbfiles are corrupted * Bug #18965: Do not bring all services down during offline backup * Bug #18987: --certs-regenerate-ca should also regenerate ueber certificates * Bug #18991: tests failing with ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 * Bug #19679: Katello seed fails with undefined method `trigger' for Actions::Candlepin::Owner::Create * Bug #19042: Getting error "no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String" while performing manifest refresh * Bug #19057: Need to address Inconsistent Json between product content jsons * Bug #19076: use single-consumer call when regenerating applicability * Bug #19079: Adapt hammer-cli-katello to use the new options changes in hammer-cli * Feature #19080: hammer host subscriptions product-content needs to show available product content * Bug #19100: Fix typo in unify_hosts script * Bug #19119: The same client is showing under host collections list/remove and add tabs * Bug #19166: Fix styling issues on CV deletion pages * Bug #19256: Installation/update of katello-agent on RHEL 5 fails * Bug #19276: --reset should stop workers or it will fail on pulp-manage-db * Bug #19282: Create New View button should be blue on content view page * Bug #19283: Table columns are misaligned on content view filter repositories page * Bug #19323: Content -> Errata & Packages do not take selected organization into consideration * Bug #19338: CV publishing with puppet module does not add puppet class * Feature #19420: Add a rake task to bulk update the download_policy on all repos * Bug #19189: db:migrate breaks RPM build * Bug #19182: Updating an ostree repo causes ISE * Bug #18907: Fix Smart Proxies test to use factory girl * Bug #18508: Katello kickstart template hardcodes root password hash algorithm