Bug #8754
openForeman passes incorrect case sensitivity on "Run Puppet" to mco provider
When using the "Run Puppet" button on hosts in Foreman, under the mco provider, it will send the command to mco with a lower case fqdn that will then fail to find it:
mco ping:
Ultralisk time=104.35 ms
Command that is sent:[root@puppet etc]# /usr/bin/mco puppet runonce -I ultralisk
No request sent, we did not discover any nodes.
but if you manually run it with the correct case it works fine.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 10 years ago
- Project changed from MCollective to Foreman
- Category set to Puppet integration
Are the hosts lower or mixed-case in Foreman's UI itself?
Updated by Jeff Sparrow about 10 years ago
Dominic Cleal wrote:
Are the hosts lower or mixed-case in Foreman's UI itself?
All hosts come in to Foreman as lower case, but sensitive to case in mco.
Updated by Jeff Sparrow about 10 years ago
Edit: Facter -p reports them as correct case sensitivity btw.
Updated by Jeff Sparrow about 10 years ago
Dominic Cleal wrote:
Are the hosts lower or mixed-case in Foreman's UI itself?
Bump. Any new info on this? It makes the "Run Puppet" option in Foreman irrelevant and useless.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #8859: Foreman does not display case specific hostnames added