### File managed with puppet ###
## Module: 'foreman_proxy'
:settings_directory: /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d
# SSL Setup
# if enabled, all communication would be verfied via SSL
# NOTE that both certificates need to be signed by the same CA in order for this to work
# see http://theforeman.org/projects/smart-proxy/wiki/SSL for more information
:ssl_ca_file: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
:ssl_certificate: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/test-dash.test.tc.pem
:ssl_private_key: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/test-dash.test.tc.pem
# the hosts which the proxy accepts connections from
# commenting the following lines would mean every verified SSL connection allowed
- test-dash.test.tc
- test-puppet.test.tc
# by default smart_proxy runs in the foreground. To enable running as a daemon, uncomment 'daemon' setting
:daemon: true
# Only used when 'daemon' is set to true.
# Uncomment and modify if you want to change the default pid file '/var/run/foreman-proxy/foreman-proxy.pid'
:daemon_pid: /var/run/foreman-proxy/foreman-proxy.pid
# HTTP ports configuration
# http is disabled by default. To enable, uncomment 'http_port' setting
# https is enabled if certificate, CA certificate, and private key are present in locations specifed by
# ssl_certificate, ssl_ca_file, and ssl_private_key correspondingly
# default values for https_port is 8443
#:http_port: 8000
:https_port: 8443
# shared options for virsh DNS/DHCP provider
:virsh_network: default
# Where our proxy log files are stored
# filename or STDOUT
:log_file: /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
# valid options are
:log_level: INFO