Bug #582 ยป 0001-Fixes-bug-582-make-dependency-on-libvirt-optional-th.patch
app/models/orchestration.rb | ||
include Orchestration::DHCP
include Orchestration::DNS
include Orchestration::TFTP
include Orchestration::Libvirt
include Orchestration::Libvirt unless SETTINGS[:provisioning] == false
# save handles both creation and update of hosts
before_save :on_save
app/views/home/_settings.html.erb | ||
['Global Parameters', common_parameters_url],
['Hardware Models', models_url],
['Host Groups', hostgroups_url],
['Hypervisors', hypervisors_url],
['Installation Media', media_url],
['LDAP Authentication', auth_source_ldaps_url],
['Operating Systems', operatingsystems_url],
... | ... | |
choices += [
['Roles', roles_url]
] if SETTINGS[:login] and User.current.admin?
choices += [
['Hypervisors', hypervisors_url],
] if SETTINGS[:provisioning]
<%= select_tag "settings_dropdown", options_for_select(choices, @controller.request.url) %>
app/views/hosts/_unattended.html.erb | ||
<% field_set_tag 'Unattended settings', :id => "unattended" do -%>
<% if SETTINGS[:provisioning] == true -%>
<span id="virtual_machine">
<%= render 'hypervisor' if @host.new_record? and Hypervisor.count > 0 %>
<% end -%>
<% field_set_tag 'Network settings', :id => "network" do -%>
config/environment.rb | ||
config.gem "googlecharts", :lib => "gchart"
config.gem "safemode"
config.gem "rack", :version => '1.1.0'
if SETTINGS[:provisioning] == true
config.gem 'libvirt'
config.gem 'virt'
# config.gem "bj"
# config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
# config.gem "sqlite3-ruby", :lib => "sqlite3"
config/initializers/foreman.rb | ||
require 'puppet/rails'
require 'gchart'
# import settings file
SETTINGS= YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/settings.yaml")
# fallback to a 30 minutes run interval if its not defined
SETTINGS[:puppet_interval] ||= 30
SETTINGS[:run_interval] = SETTINGS[:puppet_interval].minutes
config/preinitializer.rb | ||
require 'yaml'
# import settings file
SETTINGS = YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/settings.yaml")
SETTINGS[:provisioning] = true unless SETTINGS.has_key?(:provisioning)
config/settings.yaml | ||
#if none specified, plain "puppet" will be used.
#:puppet_server: puppet
#:unattended: false
#:provisioning: false
#use the following setting to override the default 30 minutes puppet run interval - value must be in minutes
#:puppet_interval: 60
#:document_root: /var/www