


Bug #23466 ยป foreman debug log from parameter change fail with hammer.txt

Doug Forster, 07/02/2018 04:57 PM


2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Started PUT "/api/hosts/" for at 2018-06-11 17:40:05 -0400
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#update as JSON
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Parameters: {"host"=>{"puppetclass_ids"=>[], "compute_attributes"=>{"volumes_attributes"=>{}}, "host_parameters_attributes"=>[{"name"=>"activation_key", "value"=>"[FILTERED]"}], "interfaces_attributes"=>[]}, "apiv"=>"v2", "id"=>""}
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'builder' LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] AuthSource Load (0.3ms) SELECT `auth_sources`.* FROM `auth_sources` WHERE `auth_sources`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'builder' LIMIT 1 [["lower_login", "builder"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Authenticated user builder against INTERNAL authentication source
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'foreman_admin' LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Current user: foreman_admin (administrator)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to foreman_admin
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to nil
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Post-login processing for builder
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`lower_login` = 'foreman_admin' LIMIT 1 [["lower_login", "foreman_admin"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Current user: foreman_admin (administrator)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to foreman_admin
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] SQL (2.0ms) UPDATE `users` SET `users`.`last_login_on` = '2018-06-11 21:40:05' WHERE `users`.`id` = 31
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Role Load (0.5ms) SELECT `roles`.* FROM `roles` WHERE `roles`.`builtin` = 2 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Role Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `roles` INNER JOIN `user_roles` ON `roles`.`id` = `user_roles`.`role_id` WHERE `user_roles`.`owner_id` = 31 AND `user_roles`.`owner_type` = 'User' AND `roles`.`id` = 37 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to nil
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Usergroup Load (0.4ms) SELECT `usergroups`.* FROM `usergroups` INNER JOIN `cached_usergroup_members` ON `usergroups`.`id` = `cached_usergroup_members`.`usergroup_id` WHERE `cached_usergroup_members`.`user_id` = 31 ORDER BY
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Current user: builder (regular user)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to builder
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT FROM `auth_sources` WHERE `auth_sources`.`type` IN ('AuthSourceHidden')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] User Load (0.4ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`auth_source_id` NOT IN (3)) AND `users`.`lower_login` = 'builder' LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Authorized user builder(VM Builder)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `usergroups`.* FROM `usergroups` INNER JOIN `cached_usergroup_members` ON `usergroups`.`id` = `cached_usergroup_members`.`usergroup_id` WHERE `cached_usergroup_members`.`user_id` = 31 ORDER BY [["user_id", 31]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [I] Current user: builder (regular user)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to builder
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) BEGIN
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.1ms) COMMIT
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] ActiveRecord::SessionStore::Session Load (0.3ms) SELECT `sessions`.* FROM `sessions` WHERE `sessions`.`session_id` = '27f2c26199d5bd4c502e26ec72c16585' ORDER BY `sessions`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Role Load (0.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT `roles`.* FROM `roles` INNER JOIN `cached_user_roles` ON `roles`.`id` = `cached_user_roles`.`role_id` WHERE `cached_user_roles`.`user_id` = 31
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT FROM `permissions` INNER JOIN `filterings` ON `permissions`.`id` = `filterings`.`permission_id` INNER JOIN `filters` ON `filterings`.`filter_id` = `filters`.`id` WHERE `filters`.`role_id` = 37 ORDER BY filters.role_id,
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT FROM `permissions` INNER JOIN `filterings` ON `permissions`.`id` = `filterings`.`permission_id` INNER JOIN `filters` ON `filterings`.`filter_id` = `filters`.`id` WHERE `filters`.`role_id` = 47 ORDER BY filters.role_id,
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Filter Load (1.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT `filters`.* FROM `filters` INNER JOIN `filterings` ON `filterings`.`filter_id` = `filters`.`id` INNER JOIN `permissions` ON `permissions`.`id` = `filterings`.`permission_id` INNER JOIN `roles` ON `filters`.`role_id` = `roles`.`id` INNER JOIN `cached_user_roles` ON `roles`.`id` = `cached_user_roles`.`role_id` LEFT JOIN taxable_taxonomies ON ( = taxable_taxonomies.taxable_id AND taxable_type = 'Filter') LEFT JOIN taxonomies ON ( = taxable_taxonomies.taxonomy_id) WHERE `cached_user_roles`.`user_id` = 31 AND (permissions.resource_type = 'Host') AND ( = 'edit_hosts') AND ( IS NULL OR (taxonomies.type = 'Organization') OR (taxonomies.type = 'Location'))
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Taxonomy Load (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` INNER JOIN `taxable_taxonomies` ON `taxonomies`.`id` = `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` = 31 AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxonomies`.`type` = 'Organization' ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Taxonomy Load (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` INNER JOIN `taxable_taxonomies` ON `taxonomies`.`id` = `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` = 31 AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxonomies`.`type` = 'Location' ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Organization Load (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ( ( in (1))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Location Load (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ( ( in (1))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hosts` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND `hosts`.`organization_id` = 1 AND `hosts`.`location_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Host::Managed Load (0.4ms) SELECT `hosts`.* FROM `hosts` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND `hosts`.`organization_id` = 1 AND `hosts`.`location_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) AND `hosts`.`name` = '' LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] HostParameter Load (0.4ms) SELECT `parameters`.* FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`type` IN ('HostParameter') AND `parameters`.`reference_id` = 2153 ORDER BY
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `parameters`.* FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`type` IN ('HostParameter') AND `parameters`.`reference_id` = 2153 ORDER BY [["reference_id", 2153]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Unpermitted parameters: format, apiv, id
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Puppetclass Load (0.4ms) SELECT `puppetclasses`.* FROM `puppetclasses` INNER JOIN `host_classes` ON `puppetclasses`.`id` = `host_classes`.`puppetclass_id` WHERE `host_classes`.`host_id` = 2153 ORDER BY
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `compute_resources`.`id` FROM `compute_resources`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (4.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'ComputeResource' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT FROM `compute_resources`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `compute_resources`.`id` FROM `compute_resources`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'ComputeResource' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "ComputeResource"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `compute_resources`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] ComputeResource Load (0.3ms) SELECT `compute_resources`.* FROM `compute_resources` WHERE ( IN (1,3,5)) AND `compute_resources`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `hostgroups`.`id` FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `hostgroups`.`id` FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `hostgroups`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Hostgroup Load (0.4ms) SELECT `hostgroups`.* FROM `hostgroups` WHERE ( IN (3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,49,51,53,55,67,69,71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103,105,107,109,111,113,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,129,131,133,135,137,139,141,143,145,147,149,151,153,155,157,159,161,163,165,169,171,173,175,177,179,185,187,189,191,193,195,197,199,201,203,205,207,209,211,213,215,217,219,221,1,183)) AND `hostgroups`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY hostgroups.title LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] ComputeAttribute Load (0.3ms) SELECT `compute_attributes`.* FROM `compute_attributes` WHERE `compute_attributes`.`compute_resource_id` = 1 AND `compute_attributes`.`compute_profile_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `compute_attributes`.* FROM `compute_attributes` WHERE `compute_attributes`.`compute_resource_id` = 1 AND `compute_attributes`.`compute_profile_id` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [["compute_resource_id", 1]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) BEGIN
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Nic::Base Load (0.4ms) SELECT `nics`.* FROM `nics` WHERE `nics`.`host_id` = 2153 ORDER BY `nics`.`identifier` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (4.2ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) SELECT FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "User"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `users`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] User Load (0.5ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE ( IN (31,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,23,25,27,29,33,35,31)) AND `users`.`id` = 31 ORDER BY firstname LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Setting Load (0.3ms) SELECT `settings`.* FROM `settings` WHERE `settings`.`name` = 'host_owner' ORDER BY `settings`.`name` ASC LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `subnets`.`id` FROM `subnets`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (4.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'Subnet' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) SELECT FROM `subnets`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Subnet Load (0.4ms) SELECT `subnets`.* FROM `subnets` WHERE ( IN (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,19,45,47,49,51,53,55,57,59,17,21,23,25,27,29,61)) AND `subnets`.`id` = 3 AND `subnets`.`type` = 'Subnet::Ipv4' ORDER BY vlanid LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `usergroups`.* FROM `usergroups` INNER JOIN `cached_usergroup_members` ON `usergroups`.`id` = `cached_usergroup_members`.`usergroup_id` WHERE `cached_usergroup_members`.`user_id` = 31 ORDER BY [["user_id", 31]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` INNER JOIN `taxable_taxonomies` ON `taxonomies`.`id` = `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` = 31 AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxonomies`.`type` = 'Organization' ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC [["taxable_id", 31], ["taxable_type", "User"], ["type", "Organization"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Organization Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ( ( in (1))) AND `taxonomies`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` INNER JOIN `taxable_taxonomies` ON `taxonomies`.`id` = `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` = 31 AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'User' AND `taxonomies`.`type` = 'Location' ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC [["taxable_id", 31], ["taxable_type", "User"], ["type", "Location"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Location Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) AND `taxonomies`.`id` = 3 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Operatingsystem Load (0.3ms) SELECT `operatingsystems`.* FROM `operatingsystems` WHERE `operatingsystems`.`id` = 7 ORDER BY `operatingsystems`.`title` ASC LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Host::Base Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `hosts` WHERE (`hosts`.`name` = BINARY '' AND `hosts`.`id` != 2153) LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] HostParameter Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`type` IN ('HostParameter') AND (`parameters`.`name` = BINARY 'activation_key' AND `parameters`.`reference_id` = 2153) LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `parameters`.* FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`type` IN ('HostParameter') AND `parameters`.`reference_id` = 2153 ORDER BY [["reference_id", 2153]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.`id` FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (4.3ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'SmartProxy' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.`id` FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'SmartProxy' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "SmartProxy"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] SmartProxy Load (0.3ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.* FROM `smart_proxies` WHERE ( IN (3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19)) AND `smart_proxies`.`id` = 3 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Feature Load (0.4ms) SELECT `features`.* FROM `features` INNER JOIN `features_smart_proxies` ON `features`.`id` = `features_smart_proxies`.`feature_id` WHERE `features_smart_proxies`.`smart_proxy_id` = 3
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.`id` FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'SmartProxy' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "SmartProxy"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.`id` FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'SmartProxy' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "SmartProxy"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `smart_proxies`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `smart_proxies`.* FROM `smart_proxies` WHERE ( IN (3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19)) AND `smart_proxies`.`id` = 3 ORDER BY LIMIT 1 [["id", 3]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `features`.* FROM `features` INNER JOIN `features_smart_proxies` ON `features`.`id` = `features_smart_proxies`.`feature_id` WHERE `features_smart_proxies`.`smart_proxy_id` = 3 [["smart_proxy_id", 3]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.5ms) SELECT `domains`.`id` FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) SELECT FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `domains`.`id` FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `domains`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Domain Load (0.3ms) SELECT `domains`.* FROM `domains` WHERE ( IN (3,5,7,1)) AND `domains`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Host::Managed Exists (0.7ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `hosts` WHERE `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND (`hosts`.`uuid` = BINARY '501d4549-0016-735a-0740-1158c35ff75a' AND `hosts`.`id` != 2153) LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [app] [D] Reading from compute resource cache: networks
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `realms`.`id` FROM `realms`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (3.6ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'Realm' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11)
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT FROM `realms`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `realms`.`id` FROM `realms`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT DISTINCT `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_id` FROM `taxable_taxonomies` WHERE `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxable_type` = 'Realm' AND `taxable_taxonomies`.`taxonomy_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) [["taxable_type", "Realm"]]
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `realms`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Realm Load (0.3ms) SELECT `realms`.* FROM `realms` WHERE ( IN (1)) AND `realms`.`id` = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.1ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `templates`.`id` FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `templates`.`id` FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Ptable Load (0.4ms) SELECT `templates`.* FROM `templates` WHERE ( IN (157,159,161,163,165,167,169,171,173,175,177,179,181,229,231,233,235)) AND `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable') AND `templates`.`id` = 229 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `templates`.`id` FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `templates`.`id` FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `templates` WHERE `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable')
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Ptable Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `templates` INNER JOIN `operatingsystems_ptables` ON `templates`.`id` = `operatingsystems_ptables`.`ptable_id` WHERE ( IN (157,159,161,163,165,167,169,171,173,175,177,179,181,229,231,233,235)) AND `templates`.`type` IN ('Ptable') AND `operatingsystems_ptables`.`operatingsystem_id` = 7 AND `templates`.`id` = 229 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `media`.`id` FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `media`.`id` FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Medium Load (0.3ms) SELECT `media`.* FROM `media` WHERE ( IN (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,27,29,31)) AND `media`.`id` = 21 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `media`.`id` FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `media`.`id` FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `media`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Medium Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `media` INNER JOIN `media_operatingsystems` ON `media`.`id` = `media_operatingsystems`.`medium_id` WHERE ( IN (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,27,29,31)) AND `media_operatingsystems`.`operatingsystem_id` = 7 AND `media`.`id` = 21 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Architecture Load (0.2ms) SELECT `architectures`.* FROM `architectures` WHERE `architectures`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Architecture Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM `architectures` INNER JOIN `architectures_operatingsystems` ON `architectures`.`id` = `architectures_operatingsystems`.`architecture_id` WHERE `architectures_operatingsystems`.`operatingsystem_id` = 7 AND `architectures`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `environments`.`id` FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) SELECT FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `environments`.`id` FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:05 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT FROM `environments`
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Environment Load (0.3ms) SELECT `environments`.* FROM `environments` WHERE ( IN (1,3,39,55)) AND `environments`.`id` = 3 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Puppetclass Load (0.4ms) SELECT DISTINCT, FROM `puppetclasses` INNER JOIN `host_classes` ON `puppetclasses`.`id` = `host_classes`.`puppetclass_id` WHERE `host_classes`.`host_id` = 2153 ORDER BY
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `parameters` (`type`, `name`, `value`, `reference_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `priority`) VALUES ('HostParameter', 'activation_key', 'RHEL7-DEV', 2153, '2018-06-11 21:40:06', '2018-06-11 21:40:06', 70)
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Parameter Load (0.3ms) SELECT `parameters`.* FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`id` = 1001 ORDER BY LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Organization Load (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ( ( in (1))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.5ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Location Load (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.5ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.3ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Organization') AND ( ( in (1))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '1/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '1') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 1) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.* FROM `taxonomies` WHERE `taxonomies`.`type` IN ('Location') AND ( ( in (9,7,3,11))) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '9/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '9') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 9) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '7/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '7') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 7) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '3/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '3') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 3) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] CACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `taxonomies`.`id` FROM `taxonomies` WHERE ((`taxonomies`.`ancestry` LIKE '11/%' OR `taxonomies`.`ancestry` = '11') OR `taxonomies`.`id` = 11) ORDER BY `taxonomies`.`title` ASC
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Host::Managed Load (0.5ms) SELECT `hosts`.* FROM `hosts` WHERE `hosts`.`organization_id` = 1 AND `hosts`.`location_id` IN (9, 7, 3, 11) AND `hosts`.`type` IN ('Host::Managed') AND `hosts`.`id` = 2153 LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Audited::Audit Load (0.3ms) SELECT `audits`.* FROM `audits` WHERE `audits`.`auditable_id` = 1001 AND `audits`.`auditable_type` = 'Parameter' ORDER BY `audits`.`version` DESC LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO `audits` (`action`, `associated_id`, `associated_type`, `audited_changes`, `auditable_id`, `auditable_type`, `user_id`, `username`, `auditable_name`, `associated_name`, `created_at`, `version`, `request_uuid`, `remote_address`) VALUES ('create', 2153, 'Host', '---\nname: activation_key\nvalue: RHEL7-DEV\nreference_id: 2153\nhidden_value: false\n', 1001, 'Parameter', 31, 'VM Builder', 'activation_key', '', '2018-06-11 21:40:06', 1, 'da6b3949-eed3-48f0-a619-419131c67a00', '')
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `permissions` WHERE `permissions`.`resource_type` = 'Parameter' AND ( LIKE 'create_%')
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Permission Load (0.3ms) SELECT `permissions`.* FROM `permissions` WHERE `permissions`.`resource_type` = 'Parameter' AND ( LIKE 'create_%') ORDER BY `permissions`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] Filter Load (0.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT `filters`.* FROM `filters` INNER JOIN `filterings` ON `filterings`.`filter_id` = `filters`.`id` INNER JOIN `permissions` ON `permissions`.`id` = `filterings`.`permission_id` INNER JOIN `roles` ON `filters`.`role_id` = `roles`.`id` INNER JOIN `cached_user_roles` ON `roles`.`id` = `cached_user_roles`.`role_id` LEFT JOIN taxable_taxonomies ON ( = taxable_taxonomies.taxable_id AND taxable_type = 'Filter') LEFT JOIN taxonomies ON ( = taxable_taxonomies.taxonomy_id) WHERE `cached_user_roles`.`user_id` = 31 AND (permissions.resource_type = 'Parameter') AND ( = 'create_params') AND ( IS NULL OR (taxonomies.type = 'Organization') OR (taxonomies.type = 'Location'))
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] HostParameter Load (0.2ms) SELECT `parameters`.* FROM `parameters` WHERE `parameters`.`type` IN ('HostParameter') AND (1=0) ORDER BY
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [app] [W] Rolling back due to exception during save
| ActiveRecord::Rollback: ActiveRecord::Rollback
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in save_collection_association'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `save_collection_association'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in add_autosave_association_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `instance_eval'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in define_non_cyclic_method'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting_and_conditional'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_update_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `_update_record'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `_update_record'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `create_or_update'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in create_or_update'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in compile'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/orchestration.rb:47:in `around_save_orchestration'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_save_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `create_or_update'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `save'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `save'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `save'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block (2 levels) in save'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in with_transaction_returning_status'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in transaction'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `within_new_transaction'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `transaction'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `transaction'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `with_transaction_returning_status'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `block in save'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `rollback_active_record_state!'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `save'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/foreman/sti.rb:29:in `save_with_type'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/v2/hosts_controller.rb:154:in `update'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `send_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in compile'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/v2/base_controller.rb:152:in `disable_json_root'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/concerns/application_shared.rb:15:in `set_timezone'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:32:in `clear_thread'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/concerns/foreman/controller/topbar_sweeper.rb:12:in `set_topbar_sweeper_controller'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/audited-4.4.1/lib/audited/sweeper.rb:14:in `around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `public_send'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_process_action_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionview- `process'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/static_dispatcher.rb:65:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/extractor/recorder.rb:136:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/middleware/checksum_in_headers.rb:27:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/etag.rb:24:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/conditionalget.rb:38:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/head.rb:13:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/catch_json_parse_errors.rb:8:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/session_safe_logging.rb:17:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:225:in `context'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:220:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_call_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call_app'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/sprockets-rails-3.2.0/lib/sprockets/rails/quiet_assets.rb:13:in `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:22:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/runtime.rb:18:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/sendfile.rb:113:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/secure_headers-3.4.1/lib/secure_headers/middleware.rb:12:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `public_send'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `method_missing'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:66:in `block in call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:50:in `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:50:in `call'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/rack/thread_handler_extension.rb:97:in `process_request'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:160:in `accept_and_process_next_request'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:113:in `main_loop'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb:416:in `block (3 levels) in start_threads'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:113:in `block in create_thread_and_abort_on_exception'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-1.8.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:323:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-1.8.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:323:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (1.5ms) ROLLBACK
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [app] [W] Action failed
| RuntimeError: resource have no errors
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/base_controller.rb:132:in `process_resource_error'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/base_controller.rb:152:in `process_response'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/v2/hosts_controller.rb:154:in `update'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `send_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in compile'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/api/v2/base_controller.rb:152:in `disable_json_root'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/concerns/application_shared.rb:15:in `set_timezone'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:32:in `clear_thread'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /usr/share/foreman/app/controllers/concerns/foreman/controller/topbar_sweeper.rb:12:in `set_topbar_sweeper_controller'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block (2 levels) in halting'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/audited-4.4.1/lib/audited/sweeper.rb:14:in `around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `public_send'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in make_lambda'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in halting'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in around'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_process_action_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `block in instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `process_action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `process'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionview- `process'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in action'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `dispatch'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `serve'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/static_dispatcher.rb:65:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/extractor/recorder.rb:136:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/apipie-rails-0.5.6/lib/apipie/middleware/checksum_in_headers.rb:27:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/etag.rb:24:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/conditionalget.rb:38:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/head.rb:13:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/catch_json_parse_errors.rb:8:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/session_safe_logging.rb:17:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:225:in `context'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:220:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activerecord- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `block in call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `__run_callbacks__'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `_run_call_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `run_callbacks'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call_app'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/sprockets-rails-3.2.0/lib/sprockets/rails/quiet_assets.rb:13:in `call'
| /usr/share/foreman/lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:22:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/runtime.rb:18:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/activesupport- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/actionpack- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/sendfile.rb:113:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/secure_headers-3.4.1/lib/secure_headers/middleware.rb:12:in `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `public_send'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/railties- `method_missing'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:66:in `block in call'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:50:in `each'
| /opt/rh/sclo-ror42/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rack-1.6.2/lib/rack/urlmap.rb:50:in `call'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/rack/thread_handler_extension.rb:97:in `process_request'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:160:in `accept_and_process_next_request'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler/thread_handler.rb:113:in `main_loop'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb:416:in `block (3 levels) in start_threads'
| /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:113:in `block in create_thread_and_abort_on_exception'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-1.8.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:323:in `call'
| /opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/logging-1.8.2/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:323:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [app] [I] Rendered api/v2/errors/standard_error.json.rabl within api/v2/layouts/error_layout (0.8ms)
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [app] [I] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 693ms (Views: 1.7ms | ActiveRecord: 64.3ms)
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (0.2ms) BEGIN
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `sessions` (`session_id`, `data`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('44d1bb4c2b3148e5c603aa60c51a1e4d', 'BAh7CUkiCXVzZXIGOgZFRmkkSSIeYXBpX2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0ZWRfc2Vzc2lv\nbgY7AEZUSSIPZXhwaXJlc19hdAY7AEZsKwdF+h5bSSILbG9jYWxlBjsARiIH\nZW4=\n', '2018-06-11 21:40:06', '2018-06-11 21:40:06')
2018-06-11 17:40:06 da6b3949 [sql] [D] (1.9ms) COMMIT