


Bug #35917 ยป Kickstart_default_PXEGrub2.patch

Zailo Leite, 01/10/2023 07:27 PM

View differences:

2 2023-01-10 10:53:52.863340608 -0800
- host6static
# This file was deployed via '<%= template_name %>' template
rhel_compatible = == 'Redhat' && != 'Fedora'
os_major = @host.operatingsystem.major.to_i
if (rhel_compatible && os_major < 7) || !@host.pxe_loader_efi?
# Grub EFI commands are RHEL7+ only (prevents "Kernel is too old") or for non-EFI arch
linuxcmd = "linux"
initrdcmd = "initrd"
linuxcmd = "linuxefi"
initrdcmd = "initrdefi"
set default=<%= host_param('default_grub_install_entry') || 0 %>
set timeout=<%= host_param('loader_timeout') || 10 %>
<% if proxy_http_port -%>
menuentry '<%= template_name %> EFI HTTP' --id efi_http {
<%= linuxcmd %> (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %>
<%= initrdcmd %> (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %>
linux (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %>
initrd (http,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_http_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %>
<% else -%>
# Smart proxy does not have HTTPBoot feature with HTTP port enabled, skipping EFI HTTP boot menu entry
<% if proxy_https_port -%>
menuentry '<%= template_name %> EFI HTTPS' --id efi_https {
<%= linuxcmd %> (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %>
<%= initrdcmd %> (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %>
linux (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @kernel %> <%= pxe_kernel_options %> <%= snippet("kickstart_kernel_options").strip %>
initrd (https,<%= proxy_host %>:<%= proxy_https_port %>)/httpboot/<%= @initrd %>
<% else -%>
# Smart proxy does not have HTTPBoot feature with HTTPS port enabled, skipping EFI HTTPS boot menu entry