Feature #1033
closedadd support for DHCP vendor options to MS dhcp server impementation
Sparc Solaris DHCP jumpstart builds use DHCP vendor options so the smart proxy needs to be able to create them
Updated by Ohad Levy about 13 years ago
- Subject changed from add support for DHCP vendor options to add support for DHCP vendor options to MS dhcp server impementation
Updated by Paul Kelly about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset c6ea383c6c559e89161977947080f468178cb3e9.
Updated by alicson katich over 12 years ago
The DHCP server can be configured so that a JumpStart client can use DHCP, rather than the traditional JumpStart mechanism using RARP, when it boots up.handheld barcode scanners
Updated by Gilbert Ocrone over 12 years ago
What does DHCP do cause as I enabled it by accident and now i don't know if I'm even connected to my router or not?
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