Bug #10642
Migration of unmanaged host can fail on primary interface
Added by Marek Hulán over 9 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
If there's unmanaged host with interface that has IP set to it's primary interface but is not marked as primary the migration ends up in invalid state because db/migrate/20140910153654_move_host_nics_to_interfaces.rb creates new interface (skipping validations) with this IP and marks it primary. Then second migration - 20150508124600_copy_unmanaged_hosts_to_interfaces.rb - runs but here it finds the existing one from previous migration and tries to set it's hostname and save it. Unfortunately it's not FakeNic instance so it runs validations and fails on IP uniqueness validation. We can either try to skip saving of interface if it didn't change or improve detection of existing primary interface (probably in both migrations). Setting as release 1.8.2, all users with unmanaged hosts with interfaces created by puppet will hit this.
Migration error that pops up
== CopyUnmanagedHostsToInterfaces: migrating =================================
-- Migrating Unmanaged Host interfaces to standalone Interfaces
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Validation failed: IP address has already been taken
- Related to Bug #10403: Smart Class Parameter Overrides using the FQDN fact as a match no longer applies the override added
For us this issue blocks working around that issue: http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/10571
We should db:migrate to get rid of the LDAP issue (users can't log in) but we can't db:migrate because of all our unmanaged hosts and the migration breaking.
- Related to Feature #10260: Allow interfaces management for unmanaged hosts added
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/2425 added
- Pull request deleted (
The fix will make migration pass keeping interface in potentially invalid state. Invalid IP issue can then be changed through API (we can't do it automatically). Here's howto use API to fix that
# first find out the id of failing interface (identifier reported by migration)
curl --user 'admin:$adminpw' 'https://$foreman_url/api/v2/hosts/$host_fqdn/interfaces'
# update the interface identified by $id with real IP
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --user 'admin:$adminpw' -d '{"interface":{"ip":"$real_ip"}}' 'https://$foreman_url/api/v2/hosts/$host_fqdn/interfaces/$id'
In related task I'll allow interface management from WebUI.
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Related to Bug #10571: LDAP authentication management error added
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