



Feature #11435


Host Unification Tracker

Added by Justin Sherrill over 9 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:

Related issues 93 (5 open88 closed)

Blocked by Katello - Feature #11499: As a user, i expect host create/update/delete to be dynflowed (wrapping the AR action), via foreman_tasks or in core to allow plugins to hook into CUD to interact with backend services (4)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11500: As a developer, i want to migrate the existing content host model to the new unified models for content and subscriptions (10)ClosedWalden Raines08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11501: As a developer, I want to migrate all the existing content host dynflow actions to use the new unified model (4)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11502: As a user, i want an upgrade provided to move existing content-hosts to the new unified models (4)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11503: As a developer, I want to pull system packages into the database (3)DuplicateActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11504: As a user, I should be able to search hosts by content attributes (2)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11505: As a user, I should be able to search hosts by subscription attributes (2)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11506: As a user, I expect subscription facts to live alongside puppet facts. (4)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11507: As a user, I should be able to add & remove hosts to host collections instead of content-hosts (5)ClosedWalden Raines08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11508: As a user, bulk actions should be based off hosts instead of content hosts (4)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11509: As a user, I should be able to register a host with subscription-manager via username and password with the new data model, and a Host should be created (4)Closed08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11510: As a user, I should be able to register a host with subscription-manager via activation key with the new data model, and a Host should be created (4)Closed08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11511: As a user, I should be able to register with subscription-manager to an existing host that has never registered with sub-man before (3)Closed08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11512: As a user, I should be able to register with subscription-manager to an existing host that has previously registered with subscription-manager, and have the old registration be removed, generating a new UUID (3)ResolvedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11513: As a user, virt-who should continue to work with the new unified model, including hypervisor registration. An hypervisor registered through virt-who would not have content capabilities. (5)ClosedThomas McKay08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11514: As a user, i expect package profile uploading to continue to work under the unified model (2)ResolvedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11515: As a user, i expect client actions (errata install, package install, etc..) to continue to work under the unified model (3)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11516: As a user, i expect the subscription and content aspects of hosts to be identified by their host id, not a uuid (3)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11517: As a user, i expect to be able to find the uuid of a host with subscriptions within the UI/hammer (1)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11518: As a user, i expect to be able to search hosts by applicable errata (.5)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11519: As a user, i expect to be able to search hosts by installed package (.5)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11520: As a user, i expect to be able to search hosts by subscription facts (.5)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11521: As a user, i expect existing apis (and thus hammer commands and the UI) to continue to work under the new model, if new apis are not added (8)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11522: As a user, I expect to see an error when attempting to migrate hosts to another organization if they are registered with subscription-manager (2)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11523: As a user, I expect the ability to unsubscribe a host registered with subscription-manager, yet leave the host record intact (2)Resolved08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11524: As a user, I expect any subscription action performed on a host that is not registered to candlepin to throw a warning suggesting that it be registered (2)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11525: As a user, I expect any content action performed on a host that is not registered in pulp to throw a warning suggesting how it be registered (2)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11526: As a user, I expect content actions to be hidden and not function for a host without any content aspect (3)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11527: As a developer, I want an api to inject new apipie params into the params of host & hostgroup Create/Update (5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11528: As a developer, I want an api to define different rabl 'views' of a host/hostgroup for index and show. This may also need to include an 'includes' section for improving performance. (5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11529: As a user, I want to be able to specify what views to render for my host (3)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11530: As a user, i expect an api for interacting with content and subscription aspects of hosts (6)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11531: As a developer, the content hosts UI needs to utilize new v2 apis showing the list of content hostsClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11532: As a user, I want the ability to force unsubscribe hosts registered with subscription manager when attempting to migrate them across organizations (3)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11533: As a hammer developer, I want to be able to inject attributes to display on an info command (4)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11534: As a hammer developer, I want to be able to inject parameters into the GET request of a particular info command (8)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11535: As a user, I want to see content and subscription related items when running 'hammer host info' (1)ClosedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11537: hammer content-host errata apply (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11538: hammer content-host errata info (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11539: hammer content-host errata list (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11540: hammer content-host package install (.5)DuplicateWalden Raines08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11541: hammer content-host package remove (.5)DuplicateWalden Raines08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11542: hammer content-host package upgrade e (.5)Resolved08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11543: hammer content-host package upgrade-all (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11544: hammer content-host package-group install (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11545: hammer content-host package-group remove (.5)Duplicate08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11546: hammer content-host update (for updating content view, lifecycle environment) (.5) ResolvedJustin Sherrill08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11547: hammer content-host update (for updating service-level, release-version) (.5)Resolved08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11548: hammer host puppet-classes (.5)RejectedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11549: hammer host puppetrun (.5)RejectedActions
Blocked by Foreman - Feature #11766: As a user, I expect subscription facts to live alongside puppet facts.ClosedThomas McKay08/24/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11819: As a user, I would like to join the aspects of two hosts into a single host.NewActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11820: As a user, I would like to customize the matching scheme for host and content-host.NewActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #11914: As a user, I should be able to search hosts by whether they are a hypervisor, guest, physical, virtualNewActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12018: add subscription status to host status frameworkClosedJustin Sherrill09/30/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12019: add errata status to host status frameworkClosedJustin Sherrill09/30/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #12038: host unification: Add script to be run on previous version to detect systems that would need to be deleted on upgradeClosedJustin Sherrill10/01/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12347: Handle errata status with Library vs current environmentClosedJustin Sherrill10/29/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12383: [host unification] subscription-manager register --name still uses network.hostname fact for host linkageNewActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12556: Remove System and Hypervsior models/controllers/tests/actionsClosedJustin Sherrill11/20/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12674: Assign host to organization at registration time if no org is assignedClosedJustin Sherrill12/03/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12685: some requests to /rhsm/ result in traceback for deleted consumerClosedJustin Sherrill12/03/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12749: sub-man registration currently blocks on applicability generationClosedJustin Sherrill12/09/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12871: Errror on creating hostgroup: undefined method `content_facet' for #<Hostgroup:0x0000001036b338>ClosedJustin Sherrill12/18/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #12986: Facet migration fails with can't cast ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess to stringDuplicateJustin Sherrill01/04/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #12405: Move system packages to hostsClosedWalden Raines11/05/2015Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13086: migrate system subscription api's and UI to hostsClosedJustin Sherrill01/08/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #13087: migrate system product content list/modify to hostsClosedJustin Sherrill01/08/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13122: rhsm last_checkin not being updated in dbClosedJustin Sherrill01/11/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13123: release_version is not actually saved in candlepinClosedJustin Sherrill01/11/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13205: upload package profile should not lock hostsClosedJustin Sherrill01/13/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13248: registration fails with 'can't dup nilClass'ClosedJustin Sherrill01/15/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13267: autoheal not properly set upon registration of a clientClosed01/18/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13302: assign operating system during sub-man registrationClosedJustin Sherrill01/20/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #13315: Move errata to hostsClosedWalden Raines01/21/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13337: host subscription status refresh fails with undefined method 'backend_data'ClosedJustin Sherrill01/22/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #13338: as a user, i expect content and subscription attributes to be returned from host jsonClosedJustin Sherrill01/22/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #13531: Update the content host details page to use the host APIClosedWalden Raines02/02/2016Actions
Blocks Katello - Bug #13646: convert UI permission checking to host permissionsClosedJustin Sherrill02/10/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13652: "Content" link in host show page uses system uuid instead of host idClosedJustin Sherrill02/10/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13650: After recent move of errata association from content host to host, the system deletion fails on errata foreign keyClosedWalden Raines02/10/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13760: unregistering system does not remove subscription facetClosedJustin Sherrill02/17/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13836: Host subscription attributes aren't updatingClosedJustin Sherrill02/22/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13854: PUT /hosts subscription_facet_attributes missing "installed_products"ClosedThomas McKay02/23/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13902: MIgrate hosts via content view version deletion instead of systemsDuplicateJustin Sherrill02/25/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #13903: migrate Release version to host subscriptions controllerClosedJustin Sherrill02/25/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #13904: migrate or remove registration via api (systems/create) to host_subscriptions#register & update hammer commandClosedJustin Sherrill02/25/2016Actions
Blocked by Foreman - Bug #13849: updating a host's facet should not require the facet id to be included in facet paramsClosedShimon Shtein02/23/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #14124: content host doesn't support auto completeClosedJustin Sherrill03/09/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #14296: Support unregister via bulk actionsNewActions
Blocked by Hammer CLI Import - Bug #14550: hammer import uses obsolete systems apiRejected04/08/2016Actions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #14677: host facet api 'view' shows 'content' and 'subscriptions', while update/create accepts 'content_facet_attributes' and 'subscription_facet_attributes'ClosedJustin Sherrill04/15/2016Actions
Blocked by Hammer CLI Import - Bug #14615: hammer import content-host fails with ISE - Content View and Environment not set for registration.ClosedThomas McKay04/13/2016Actions

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