Bug #1166
closedStatistics - No Inventory data has been found
I'm having an issue with specific facts causing the statistics page to fail rendering. This has happened on both 0.3 and the Sept 7th nightly. This is the error I get...
"No Inventory data has been found - add some hosts and facts and try again"
Follow the advice in a previous thread, I found in the debug output which facts were problemtic, in my case it was "swapsize" and "swapfree". By commenting out those entries I was able to get Foreman to load the statistics page...
Comments added to app/controllers/statistics_controller.rb
#@swap_size = FactValue.mem_average "swapsize" #@swap_free = FactValue.mem_average "swapfree" ... #:model_count => @model_count, :mem_size => @mem_size, :mem_free => @mem_free, :swap_size => @swap_size, :model_count => @model_count, :mem_size => @mem_size, :mem_free => @mem_free, #:swap_free => @swap_free, :mem_totsize => @mem_totsize, :mem_totfree => @mem_totfree } } :mem_totsize => @mem_totsize, :mem_totfree => @mem_totfree } }
Removed these lines in app/views/statistics/index.html.erb
<td> <%= pie_chart("swap_usage" ,"Average swap usage", [["free swap (GB)",@swap_free],["used swap (GB)",@swap_size-@swap_free]]) %> </td>
Here's the error when page fails to load...
FactValue Load (0.6ms) SELECT value FROM 'fact_values' INNER JOIN 'fact_names' ON 'fact_names'.id = 'fact_values'.fact_name_id WHERE 'fact_names'.'name' = 'swapsize') ORDER BY LOWER(fact_values.value) Unknown string
And these are the two tables with the swap space data...
mysql> select value from fact_values inner join fact_names on where"swapsize" order by lower(fact_values.value); +----------+ | value | +----------+ | 1.50 GB | | 1.91 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 17.70 GB | | 3.84 GB | | 3.84 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 64.00M | +----------+ 22 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select value from fact_values inner join fact_names on where"swapfree" order by lower(fact_values.value); +----------+ | value | +----------+ | 1.50 GB | | 1.85 GB | | 1.86 GB | | 1.91 GB | | 1.95 GB | | 1.96 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 1.97 GB | | 17.69 GB | | 3.84 GB | | 3.84 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 3.91 GB | | 64.00M | +----------+
Let me know what other data would be of use in troubleshooting this.
- Trey