



Feature #11733


Assign tags to hosts

Added by Alex Balk over 9 years ago. Updated 11 months ago.

Host groups
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
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We would like to be able to assign arbitrary tags to hosts, both in discovery and in the "all hosts" view. This would allow us to assign metadata to hosts for non-provisioning purposes. Consider the use case of a datacenter technician who's planning maintenance work in the datacenter. Being able to tag the hosts he will be working on (and later extract it via API for external reporting) would be extremely useful. The same is true for nodes in discovery, which might be allocated to a specific project or have additional metadata which is important (say, leased machines vs owned machines). Finally, being able to carry such data across the lifecycle of a host (discovered -> provisioned -> discovered -> ...) would be very useful as well.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Foreman - Feature #14308: Tagging Support for HostsDuplicate03/21/2016Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Ohad Levy over 9 years ago

  • Project changed from Discovery to Foreman

would static grouping be an option? (e.g. statistical or via search define which hosts you would like to be in a group?)

an option would be to reuse katello host collection ?

Actions #2

Updated by Alex Balk over 9 years ago

If there's a way to look at a host and see all static groups it belongs to, sure (guess that's the same as tagging)
Also, it would be great to be able to search for "tags = leased and tags = disk_replaced and tags = warranty_expires" (or static groups = ... )

Actions #3

Updated by Alon Goldboim over 9 years ago

Another option i assume would be to add another field to the model called "tag", show it on the hosts table and being able to edit it and search by it.
Though I don't know if this idea goes well with the host unification feature?

Actions #4

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Host groups
Actions #5

Updated by Alon Goldboim over 9 years ago

Hey, made a small plugin that still needs major upgrade but you can start playing with it and see if the functionality is ok (the hammer_cli,api sections still needs to be made),
I would advise not to place on production foreman instance at first so you won't ruin anything.

Actions #6

Updated by Marek Hulán almost 9 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Jason Hane almost 9 years ago

The tag plugin looks good. Is there a way to add multiple tags per host and search for hosts based on tags? We would like to use this for reporting purposes (tag hosts with the group responsible for the host, what project it's for, etc).


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