Bug #11884
closedTurbolinks load some pages twice
This is very annoing and happens all the time with Discovered Hosts page, but I am able to reproduce with other pages. First, make sure you have some Facts records uploaded in your database prior testing this.
1) Open browser HTTP debug window or similar
2) Click on Monitor -> Dashboard
3) Click on Monitor -> Fact Values
4) Click on Monitor -> Dashboard
5) Note that /dashboard HTTP 200 was sent twice.
I noticed that this happens usually the request after page was reloaded. I am not sure what is the key here to reload pages
With discovered hosts, this happens all the time
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
- Related to Bug #11837: Serching for "facts.blah" in discovery takes a long time added
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 9 years ago
Idea: Maybe the turbolink JS is inserted twice on some pages.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago
That's normal behaviour when the assets change between pages. If the assets are different then it can't reload the new page within the old one and instead has to do a full page load.
It's only an issue when the JavaScript between pages is different, as CSS is app-wide. There are a bunch of pages with their own specific JS additions, like the dashboard and hosts pages, but many other pages that you get the benefit on.
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 7 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #12772: Web UI seems to make double calls to Foreman Passenger App in 1.10-rc3 added
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 7 years ago
- Related to Task #23449: replace turbolinks with SPA approach to load partial html content added
Updated by Ian Ballou over 5 years ago
Is this bug something that can be fixed or would the effort be too great? Another bug (#27175) was filed more recently about the same issue. I see this issue and its duplicate haven't been resolved yet. Sounds like this might be a side effect of Turbolinks?