Bug #12641
closedRefresh facts errors and adds new entry mac000000000000
I was trying refresh_facts after adding a new interface on pxe-less discovered host. As soon as I added the interface on host and clicked refres_facts from webUI, another host entry generated on webUI with same IP and mac00000000.
production.log says:
2015-11-27 04:57:25 [I] Processing by DiscoveredHostsController#refresh_facts as HTML
2015-11-27 04:57:25 [I] Parameters: {"id"=>"mac525400db3da2"}
2015-11-27 04:57:27 [I] Import facts for 'mac000000000000' completed. Added: 64, Updated: 0, Deleted 0 facts
2015-11-27 04:57:27 [W] Saving ens3 NIC for host mac000000000000 failed, skipping because:
2015-11-27 04:57:27 [W] IP address can't use the same value as the primary interface
2015-11-27 04:57:27 [I] Redirected to https://cloud-qe-15.idmqe.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/discovered_hosts
2015-11-27 04:57:27 [I] Completed 302 Found in 1180ms (ActiveRecord: 535.6ms)