Bug #12804
closedDeleting users who created activation keys deletes all associated keys
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1291271
Description of problem:
If you delete any user who has previously created an activation key that still currently exists, the key(s) will be deleted as well.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 6.1.4
How reproducible: 100%
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a test user of any name (I set role as admin)
2. Login to this user and create an activation key.
3. Logout of the test user, back in as another admin, and delete the user.
4. Check the activation key list.
Actual results:
Newly created activation key will now be gone.
Expected results:
Activation key should still exist.
Additional info:
This association appears to be inside of the foreman database, inside the katello_activation_key table. The 'user_id' column has the number of the user who created the activation key. If you set this id to any other user prior to deleting the one who currently owns the key, the key will continue to exist after user deletion.