Bug #13281
openvsphere: Fails to use DistributedVirtualPortGroup
As of 952ad8c1ad0741e3e4ef5883a2dc59885e1b0ca6 using image based installs fails to assign the correct network configuration when using a a DistributedVirtualPortGroup leaving the VM without network connection. This is due to this change in Fog 1.34:
if (options.key?('interfaces') )
if options.key?('network_label')
raise ArgumentError, "interfaces option can't be specified together with network_label"
device_change.concat(modify_template_nics_specs(template_path, options['interfaces'], options['datacenter']))
elsif options.key?('network_label')
device_change << modify_template_nics_simple_spec(options['network_label'], options['nic_type'], options['network_adapter_device_key'], options['datacenter'])
which makes it only use the network_label case (which does the corret setup) in case of network_label not in case of interfaces. The attached patch (basically a revert of 952ad8c1ad0741e3e4ef5883a2dc59885e1b0ca6) works around this. Any suggestions for a correct fix?
Updated by Guido Günther about 9 years ago
- Related to Bug #13507: Creating VMs with hammer requires too many parameters added
Updated by Guido Günther about 9 years ago
We had some discussion at Fosdem and I remember one of you guys stating that this was probably easy to fix. Any pointers on how to proceed with fixing this (besides applying the attached revert)
Updated by Angelo Lisco about 9 years ago
Hi Guido, I had similar problem testing 1.11RC1 but I'm unsure that this is the same issue I've found (maybe related)
You can find the description of my problem here:
Meanwhile, just to be sure that some dev will give to this bug the attention it deserves, I'll go to open a new Redmine issue.
Updated by Guido Günther about 9 years ago
Angelo Lisco wrote:
Hi Guido, I had similar problem testing 1.11RC1 but I'm unsure that this is the same issue I've found (maybe related)
You can find the description of my problem here:
https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_bootdisk/pull/19#issuecomment-189899623Meanwhile, just to be sure that some dev will give to this bug the attention it deserves, I'll go to open a new Redmine issue.
That pretty much looks like the same issue. Please link to that one iff you open a new one. Someone from RedHat said at FOSDEM that the fix would be trivial.
Did you check if the attached patch works around the issue for you?
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Bug #13932: After the provisioning of a vmware host, network interface always remains disconnected added
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
Hi Guido. I've just tested the patch but I can confirm that it doesn't work.
The vm is created with the selected dvPortGroup but it remains disconnected.
If I try to flag the "connect" box on the vsphere web client, this error appears: "Failed to connect virtual device ethernet0."
I think this should be marked a blocker before 1.11GA 'cause it's pretty impossible to use foreman+vmware combo.
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
By the way, this should be marked as a duplicate of #6303
The downstream bug describe exactly the same behavior: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1273400
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
This isn't a duplicate - this ticket describes an issue with the configuration of networks during host creation being incorrect, while #6303 describes displaying the current network when editing an existing host.
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
Then their bug numbers are probably wrong, but it doesn't matter. This ticket is for the distributed port group problem, #6303 is for display problems during edit.
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
Ok so for the sake of clarity the downstream bugzilla issue should be related to this one and not the #6303