Bug #14206
closedPossible race condition when creating new Products
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1317646
Description of problem:
Our automation has shown a massive number of failures while creating new custom Products. Since the automated jobs are running on at least 4 different threads, we're wondering if this is what uncovered the issue. This could potentially be related to http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/8586 ?
All errors reported show the same pattern:
2016-03-11 18:54:05 - nailgun.client - DEBUG - Making HTTP POST request to https://<EDITED>/katello/api/v2/products with options {'verify': False, 'auth': ('admin', 'changeme'), 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json'}} and data {"organization_id": 941, "name": "\ud849\udf8a"}.
2016-03-11 18:58:23 - nailgun.client - WARNING - Received HTTP 500 response: {"displayMessage":"Task 3bd1b5be-5379-4d6f-98fb-4de4b40cb26c: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\"","errors":["Task 3bd1b5be-5379-4d6f-98fb-4de4b40cb26c: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\""]}
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
- Satellite 6.2.0 SNAP 3.0
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. I believe you'd have to attempt to create 4+ custom Products at the same time, each with a unique set of values...
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info:
More similar errors:
2016-03-11 19:47:14 - nailgun.client - DEBUG - Making HTTP POST request to https://<EDITED>/katello/api/v2/products with options {'verify': False, 'auth': ('admin', 'changeme'), 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json'}} and data {"organization_id": 980, "name": "\ud853\udc99\ud868\uddce\ud86c\udff7\ud858\udc3e\ud86b\udd1b\uafbc\ud848\ude01\u422e\ud835\udd7c\ud85c\udfe5\ud854\udf1d\u3e02\ud859\udcf8\ud86c\udfba\ud84f\ude94"}.
2016-03-11 19:53:43 - nailgun.client - WARNING - Received HTTP 500 response: {"displayMessage":"Task 721c84c1-25e8-4fa2-9d72-38e52faffa39: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\"","errors":["Task 721c84c1-25e8-4fa2-9d72-38e52faffa39: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\""]}
2016-03-11 19:23:18 - nailgun.client - DEBUG - Making HTTP POST request to https://qe-sat6-rhel6.satqe.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/katello/api/v2/products with options {'verify': False, 'auth': ('admin', 'changeme'), 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json'}} and data {"organization_id": 963, "name": "\ud866\udc7a\ud859\udf9b\ud86d\ude76\ud863\udd93\ud850\udda5\u85f9\ud86c\ude32\ud855\udc7b\ud84a\udd6c\u9f99\ud85e\ude19"}.
2016-03-11 19:28:25 - nailgun.client - WARNING - Received HTTP 500 response: {"displayMessage":"Task a25383a4-a305-45f3-8526-ec485aebf78d: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\"","errors":["Task a25383a4-a305-45f3-8526-ec485aebf78d: ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique: PG::Error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"index_katello_subscriptions_on_cp_id\"\n: INSERT INTO \"katello_subscriptions\" (\"cp_id\", \"created_at\", \"updated_at\") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING \"id\""]}
Updated by The Foreman Bot almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/5886 added
Updated by Christine Fouant almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset katello|97dbe26142a31ca4b993b7a6071a35b076b27fff.
Updated by Eric Helms almost 9 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 86