Bug #14835
closedFilter "Puppet class" doesn't have Organization and Location
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1329992
Description of problem:
Lets say there are two organizations A and B. Organization A has Puppet environment A_puppet_env. The Puppet environment A_puppet_env was changed on Satellite (puppet modules were added), but Satellite database wasn't updated (the puppet modules were not imported). Organization B has a user B_user, that is not in organization A. The B_user has permissions to import puppet classes and environments for organization B. When the B_user will go to Puppet classes page (https://satellite.com/puppetclasses) and will click on "import from satellite.com" he will see the Puppet environment A_puppet_env. If the B_user will select the A_puppet_env and click "update" he will get: "Validation failed: Name has already been taken".
1. The user shouldn't see the A_puppet_env
2. The user should see only Puppet environments associated in Satellite
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Snap 8.2
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create two organizations A and B
2. Create Content view in organization A with puppet modules, and publish
3. Create user B_user (non admin) with permissions to import puppet classes and environment in organization B
4. login as B_user, got to Puppet classes page
5. click "import from satellite.com"
6. select puppet organization A puppet environment
7. click update
Actual results:
"Validation failed: Name has already been taken"
Expected results:
User doesn't see organization A environments
Additional info:
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 9 years ago
- Related to Tracker #10022: Taxonomies related issues added
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 9 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #14339: PuppetClassImporter doesn't respect access control or taxonomies added