Bug #14841
There is no option to specify bootdisk-based provisioning using hammer
Added by Dylan Baars almost 9 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
The hammer CLI does not have an option to specify the bootdisk provisioning method, it only allows "build" or "image"
Could not create the host:
Error: option '--provision-method': value must be one of 'build', 'image'
See: 'hammer host create --help'
- Category set to Foreman commands (obsolete)
The enum should probably be moved into the API docs, instead of it specifying the field as a String.
- Category changed from Foreman commands (obsolete) to Hosts
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Triaged changed from No to Yes
This seems to be resolved, since I was able to specify bootdisk as a value for --provision-method option.
Closing this one. Please, feel free to reopen if issue still persists.
Thanks - confirm it works with 1.23.1
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