Feature #15115
closedFilter datastore and network selection
When deploying a new host on a Vmware CR, the selection of the datastore/datastore cluster and the network should filter out the irrelevant objects for the chosen cluster.
When you have more then one cluster on your vmware datacenter and many different dvPortGroup and datastores, the actual form is really confusing. It can happen that one can try to deploy a new vm on a datastore or on a network that isn't available for that specify cluster.
I can see that list_datastore[1] and list_network[2] methods in the fog-vsphere library support a filtering option...so it should not be too difficult to implement what i'm asking.
[1] http://www.rubydoc.info/github/fog/fog/Fog/Compute/Vsphere/Real#list_datastores-instance_method
[2] http://www.rubydoc.info/github/fog/fog/Fog/Compute/Vsphere/Real#list_networks-instance_method
Updated by Timo Goebel almost 9 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #2113: Better VMWare Datastore UI added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Thanks for the report, we're tracking this under #2113.
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
Dominic Cleal wrote:
Thanks for the report, we're tracking this under #2113.
Whoops...i totally missed that!
Thanks Dominic
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 9 years ago
Sorry for the noise, Dominic, but do you think I should open a new issue for Network UI as well? #2113 is only about datastore selection
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 9 years ago
I'll let Timo decide, I don't know if he's planning to fix that inside the other ticket. If not then we can re-open and rename this for the network part. Thanks for checking.
Updated by Angelo Lisco almost 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #19424: VMware provisioning displays all IP address added