Bug #15619
closed"no documentation found for manifest" when using parser=future
I tried to update some settings managed by Foreman/Katello to make sure an upgrade would not override my handmade modifications to configuration files. Unfortunately I noticed `foreman-installer` seems to be broken on my system (fully updated CentOS 7.2 running Katello 3.0):
# foreman-installer --help /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb:84:in `docs': no documentation found for manifest /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp, parsing error? (KafoParsers::DocParseError) from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb:19:in `parse' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/puppet_module.rb:54:in `parse' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `block in modules' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `map' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:88:in `modules' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:184:in `params' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/configuration.rb:193:in `preset_defaults_from_puppet' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:253:in `set_parameters' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:96:in `initialize' from /usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.0.0/lib/clamp/command.rb:133:in `new' from /usr/share/gems/gems/clamp-1.0.0/lib/clamp/command.rb:133:in `run' from /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo-0.7.4/lib/kafo/kafo_configure.rb:150:in `run' from /usr/sbin/foreman-installer:12:in `<main>'
The file `/usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp` is provided by katello-installer:
# rpm -qf /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp katello-installer-base-3.0.2-1.el7.noarch
Might be of value to attach the file content on my system, so here it is:
]# cat /usr/share/katello-installer-base/modules/capsule/manifests/init.pp # Configure the node # # === Parameters: # # $parent_fqdn:: fqdn of the parent node. REQUIRED # # $certs_tar:: path to a tar with certs for the node # # $pulp_master:: whether the capsule should be identified as a pulp master server # # $pulp_admin_password:: password for the Pulp admin user. It should be left blank so that a random password is generated # # $pulp_oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $pulp_oauth_key:: OAuth key to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $pulp_oauth_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for Pulp REST interaction # # $puppet:: Use puppet # type:boolean # # $puppet_ca_proxy:: The actual server that handles puppet CA. # Setting this to anything non-empty causes # the apache vhost to set up a proxy for all # certificates pointing to the value. # # $reverse_proxy:: Add reverse proxy to the parent # type:boolean # # $reverse_proxy_port:: reverse proxy listening port # # $rhsm_url:: The URL that the RHSM API is rooted at # # $qpid_router:: Configure qpid dispatch router # type:boolean # # $qpid_router_hub_addr:: Address for dispatch router hub # # $qpid_router_hub_port:: Port for dispatch router hub # # $qpid_router_agent_addr:: Listener address for goferd agents # # $qpid_router_agent_port:: Listener port for goferd agents # # $qpid_router_broker_addr:: Address of qpidd broker to connect to # # $qpid_router_broker_port:: Port of qpidd broker to connect to # # $enable_ostree:: Boolean to enable ostree plugin. This requires existence of an ostree install. # type:boolean # class capsule ( $parent_fqdn = $capsule::params::parent_fqdn, $certs_tar = $capsule::params::certs_tar, $pulp_master = $capsule::params::pulp_master, $pulp_admin_password = $capsule::params::pulp_admin_password, $pulp_oauth_effective_user = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_effective_user, $pulp_oauth_key = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_key, $pulp_oauth_secret = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_secret, $puppet = $capsule::params::puppet, $puppet_ca_proxy = $capsule::params::puppet_ca_proxy, $reverse_proxy = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy, $reverse_proxy_port = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy_port, $rhsm_url = $capsule::params::rhsm_url, $qpid_router = $capsule::params::qpid_router, $qpid_router_hub_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_addr, $qpid_router_hub_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_port, $qpid_router_agent_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_addr, $qpid_router_agent_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_port, $qpid_router_broker_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_addr, $qpid_router_broker_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_port, $enable_ostree = $capsule::params::enable_ostree, ) inherits capsule::params { validate_bool($enable_ostree) include ::certs include ::foreman_proxy include ::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp validate_present($capsule::parent_fqdn) $pulp = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp::pulpnode_enabled if $pulp { validate_present($pulp_oauth_secret) } $capsule_fqdn = $::fqdn $foreman_url = "https://${parent_fqdn}" $reverse_proxy_real = $pulp or $reverse_proxy $rhsm_port = $reverse_proxy_real ? { true => $reverse_proxy_port, false => '443' } package{ ['katello-debug', 'katello-client-bootstrap']: ensure => installed, } class { '::certs::foreman_proxy': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, require => Package['foreman-proxy'], before => Service['foreman-proxy'], } ~> class { '::certs::katello': deployment_url => $capsule::rhsm_url, rhsm_port => $capsule::rhsm_port, } if $pulp or $reverse_proxy_real { class { '::certs::apache': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, } ~> Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] ~> class { '::capsule::reverse_proxy': path => '/', url => "${foreman_url}/", port => $capsule::reverse_proxy_port, } } if $pulp_master or $pulp { if $qpid_router { class { '::capsule::dispatch_router': require => Class['pulp'], } } class { '::crane': cert => $certs::apache::apache_cert, key => $certs::apache::apache_key, ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, require => Class['certs::apache'], } } if $pulp { include ::apache $apache_version = $::apache::apache_version file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp_nodes.conf': ensure => file, content => template('capsule/pulp_nodes.conf.erb'), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', } apache::vhost { 'capsule': servername => $capsule_fqdn, port => 80, priority => '05', docroot => '/var/www/html', options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'], custom_fragment => template('capsule/_pulp_includes.erb', 'capsule/httpd_pub.erb'), } class { '::certs::qpid': } ~> class { '::certs::qpid_client': } ~> class { '::qpid': ssl => true, ssl_cert_db => $::certs::nss_db_dir, ssl_cert_password_file => $::certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file, ssl_cert_name => 'broker', } ~> class { '::pulp': enable_rpm => true, enable_puppet => true, enable_docker => true, enable_ostree => $enable_ostree, default_password => $pulp_admin_password, oauth_enabled => true, oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key, oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret, messaging_transport => 'qpid', messaging_auth_enabled => false, messaging_ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, messaging_client_cert => $certs::params::messaging_client_cert, messaging_url => "ssl://${capsule_fqdn}:5671", broker_url => "qpid://${qpid_router_broker_addr}:${qpid_router_broker_port}", broker_use_ssl => true, manage_broker => false, manage_httpd => true, manage_plugins_httpd => true, manage_squid => true, repo_auth => true, node_oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user, node_oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key, node_oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret, node_server_ca_cert => $certs::params::pulp_server_ca_cert, https_cert => $certs::apache::apache_cert, https_key => $certs::apache::apache_key, ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert, } pulp::apache::fragment{'gpg_key_proxy': ssl_content => template('capsule/_pulp_gpg_proxy.erb'), } } if $puppet { class { '::certs::puppet': hostname => $capsule_fqdn, } ~> class { '::puppet': server => true, server_ca => $::foreman_proxy::puppetca, server_foreman_url => $foreman_url, server_foreman_ssl_cert => $::certs::puppet::client_cert, server_foreman_ssl_key => $::certs::puppet::client_key, server_foreman_ssl_ca => $::certs::puppet::ssl_ca_cert, server_storeconfigs_backend => false, server_dynamic_environments => true, server_environments_owner => 'apache', server_config_version => '', server_enc_api => 'v2', server_ca_proxy => $puppet_ca_proxy, additional_settings => { 'disable_warnings' => 'deprecations', }, } } if $certs_tar { certs::tar_extract { $capsule::certs_tar: } -> Class['certs'] Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] if $reverse_proxy_real or $pulp { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::apache'] } if $pulp { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs'] -> Class['::certs::qpid'] } if $puppet { Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::puppet'] } } }
The parser is provided by rubygem-kafo_parsers:
# rpm -qf /usr/share/gems/gems/kafo_parsers-0.0.6/lib/kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser.rb rubygem-kafo_parsers-0.0.6-1.el7.noarch
If there is any additional information to provide I'll happily do so. I wouldn't exclude the possibility that I have caused this problem, but there's no activity I can think of that might be related to this behaviour. I'm not sure this issue fits the category "Katello integration", so I'm leaving that blank for now.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago
- Project changed from Foreman to Katello
Updated by Justin Sherrill over 8 years ago
- Project changed from Katello to Kafo
martin, could you take a look?
Updated by Ranjan Kumar over 8 years ago
removing parser=future in puppet.conf resolved the issue.
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from foreman-installer on installed Katello system fails with "no documentation found for manifest" to "no documentation found for manifest" when using parser=future
- Assignee deleted (
Martin Bacovsky)
Updated by The Foreman Bot over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Assignee set to Dominic Cleal
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/kafo/pull/197 added
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 88f99aeb6a963d7856d82c5b7f0f11d10e00c9d4.