Bug #15729
closedduplicate key value violates unique constraint "dynflow_coordinator_records_pkey"
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "dynflow_coordinator_records_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id, class)=(delayed-executor, Dynflow::Coordinator::DelayedExecutorLock) already exists.
STATEMENT: INSERT INTO "dynflow_coordinator_records" ("data", "id", "owner_id", "class") VALUES ('{"class":"Dynflow::Coordinator::DelayedExecutorLock","owner_id":"world:7ad3ee86-6aef-4b9b-9341-789d5439714b","world_id":"7ad3ee86-6aef-4b9b-9341-789d5439714b","id":"delayed-executor"}', 'delayed-executor', 'world:7ad3ee86-6aef-4b9b-9341-789d5439714b', 'Dynflow::Coordinator::DelayedExecutorLock') RETURNING "id"
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Closing due to insufficient information. The error itself doesn't have to be an issue by itself: it just means that there is another instance of the delayed executor running, to prevent to have two in the system.
There were some issues with world invalidation, that prevented cleanup of the coordinator locks (such as http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/17177), but
this should be tracked in different issue.
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #17177: World invalidation can fail, when execution plans are missing added