Bug #16358
closedsmart proxy puppet dashboard is broken
| ActionView::Template::Error (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "smart_proxies" | LINE 1: ..." WHERE "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') AND (("smart_pro... | ^ | : SELECT COUNT(count_column) FROM (SELECT 1 AS count_column FROM "reports" INNER JOIN "hosts" ON "hosts"."id" = "reports"."host_id" AND "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') WHERE "reports"."type" IN ('ConfigReport') AND (status <> 0) AND "reports"."host_id" IN (SELECT "hosts"."id" FROM "hosts" WHERE "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') AND (("smart_proxies"."name" = 'localproxy'))) AND (("reports"."reported_at" >= '2016-08-23')) LIMIT 9) subquery_for_count): | 1: <h4 class="header"> | 2: <%= _("Latest Events") %> | 3: </h4> | 4: <% if @latest_events.empty? %> | 5: <p class="ca"><%= _("No interesting reports received in the last week") %></p> | 6: <% else %> | 7: <table class="<%= table_css_classes 'table-fixed reports-table' %>"> | app/views/dashboard/_reports_widget.html.erb:4:in `_app_views_dashboard__reports_widget_html_erb___2136443021252204128_187649700' | app/views/smart_proxies/plugins/_puppet_dashboard.html.erb:2:in `_app_views_smart_proxies_plugins__puppet_dashboard_html_erb__957152418137412667_187659560' | app/controllers/smart_proxies_controller.rb:69:in `puppet_dashboard' | app/controllers/concerns/application_shared.rb:14:in `set_timezone' | app/models/concerns/foreman/thread_session.rb:32:in `clear_thread' | lib/middleware/catch_json_parse_errors.rb:9:in `call' | lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call' |