



Bug #16872


Unable to run ansible roles on a host

Added by Suresh Thirugnanasambandan over 8 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run the following command to create the host in foreman:
ansible -m setup localhost
2. Now edit the host and add an Ansible Role to it. This is done by navigating to Hosts -> Select the host -> edit -> `Ansible Roles` tab -> Select one or more Ansible Roles -> Click Submit
3. Now Go to Hosts -> Select the same Host -> Click on `|>Ansible roles` to run the assigned Ansible roles
4. Task page is shown (screenshot attached) but there is no progress. It gets stuck forever.


ansible_roles_not_run.png View ansible_roles_not_run.png 50.4 KB Suresh Thirugnanasambandan, 10/11/2016 04:54 PM
logs logs 12.3 KB Suresh Thirugnanasambandan, 10/11/2016 05:00 PM
5256c8bd_o.png View 5256c8bd_o.png 125 KB Tomasz Gromowski, 10/14/2016 06:15 AM
production.log production.log 91.5 KB Suresh Thirugnanasambandan, 03/08/2017 12:09 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Daniel Lobato Garcia over 8 years ago

Please provide more information, like logs from production.log and the proxy, which roles are there, etc... By following these steps I can simply follow them and roles run fine on my setup.

Actions #2

Updated by Tomasz Gromowski over 8 years ago

I have the same issue,
In dynflow actions are in state planned(pending),

Actions #3

Updated by Tomasz Gromowski over 8 years ago

Foreman ansible_plugin need foreman-task service in Foreman 1.13
I did not notice that there is an additional service.
I just start foreman-task(dynflow-executor) service and now everything working great.

Actions #4

Updated by Ohad Levy over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

could you please provide more information ? thanks

Actions #5

Updated by Tomasz Gromowski over 8 years ago

What information you need?

I am using foreman on Centos 7,
and i was upgrade foreman from version 1.12 to 1.13, step by step documented here:,
After that ansible plugin stop working, i couldn't run puppet role from web.
So i just start foreman-task service
systemctl start foreman-task
And that fix my issue.
I do not know if it's the same problem as was Suresh, but the symptoms look alike.

Actions #6

Updated by Daniel Lobato Garcia about 8 years ago

Thanks Tomasz - I'll check how can we solve this, perhaps a better error message is all that's needed...

Actions #7

Updated by Suresh Thirugnanasambandan almost 8 years ago

I think Tomasz scenario is different.

This still fails for me.

  1. rpm -qa | grep ansible
  1. rpm -q foreman

Attached production.log again.

Actions #8

Updated by Suresh Thirugnanasambandan almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to New
Actions #9

Updated by Daniel Lobato Garcia almost 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Normal

Suresh, can you try this? The plugin has significantly changed so I believe it should work well now.

Actions #10

Updated by Suresh Thirugnanasambandan almost 7 years ago

@sachin, can you retest this?

Actions #11

Updated by Ondřej Ezr almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Closing this, as it is too old and we failed to reproduce this.
Feel free to reopen this if you are still facing this issue.


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