Bug #17197
closedDNS being recreated on host update when ip6 field changes from nil to empty
Since the most recent update of Foreman to 1.13.1 route 53 entries are being deleted whenever I make a change via puppet to a host. The relevant log entries are attached with obfuscation of domain names/ips.
From what I can see, puppet is attempting to delete and recreate the entry even though they haven't changed and while this may be a change in puppet, I believe this is related to a annoyance I've seen already.
When I've created host using provisioning, there have been occasions where a mistake has been made causing me to delete and recreate the host. This fails because when it tries to add the Route 53 entry it fails with an error that the entry already exists. The work around is to add the entry through the Amazon console and the delete it again. The entry can then be created through the smart proxy. If this underlying issue was resolved I believe my current issue would go away. It appears to me to be the same cause.
I am now in a position where I have to manually go to the Amazon console and recreate entries every time I make a change to a host. This is highly impractical and defeats the whole point of using Foreman in the first place. While the longer term issue relating to route 53 is likely the piece failing, the unnecessary deletion and recreation of route 53 entries is what's causing me the problem. I'd appreciate some help.
Apologies if this seems a little rambling.