Feature #17586
openRemove duplicated permissions via migration
For some time, our permission framework allowed creating duplicated permissions. This is no longer possible, but Foreman database may contain duplicated entries created by users. Also few duplicated entries were created via migrations (e.g. in discovery, haven't tested other plugins). This is a proposal to create Role#remove_duplicated_permissions method and call it during seeding stage to remove these.
Role.all.map{|r| [r.name, r.permissions.map{|x| [x.name, x.resource_type]}.group_by {|e| e}.select { |k,v| v.size > 1}.keys]} => [["Tasks Manager", []], ["Tasks Reader", []], ["Boot disk access", []], ["Discovery Reader", [["view_hosts", "Host"], ["view_architectures", "Architecture"], ["view_domains", "Domain"], ["view_environments", "Environment"], ["view_hostgroups", "Hostgroup"], ["view_media", "Medium"], ["view_models", "Model"], ["view_operatingsystems", "Operatingsystem"], ["view_provisioning_templates", "ProvisioningTemplate"], ["view_ptables", "Ptable"], ["view_puppetclasses", "Puppetclass"], ["view_realms", "Realm"], ["view_smart_proxies", "SmartProxy"], ["view_subnets", "Subnet"]]], ["Discovery Manager", [["create_hosts", "Host"], ["view_hosts", "Host"], ["view_architectures", "Architecture"], ["view_domains", "Domain"], ["view_environments", "Environment"], ["view_hostgroups", "Hostgroup"], ["view_media", "Medium"], ["view_models", "Model"], ["view_operatingsystems", "Operatingsystem"], ["view_provisioning_templates", "ProvisioningTemplate"], ["view_ptables", "Ptable"], ["view_puppetclasses", "Puppetclass"], ["view_realms", "Realm"], ["view_smart_proxies", "SmartProxy"], ["view_subnets", "Subnet"]]], ["Manager", []], ["Edit partition tables", []], ["View hosts", []], ["Edit hosts", []], ["Viewer", []], ["Site manager", []], ["Default role", []]]
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
Isn't this the same as #13529 in 1.13.0?
If it's no longer possible (that fix adds a unique index), how does this occur?
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 8 years ago
When I try add_permissions today (on develop), the permission is not added if present. But this used to be different in around 1.10. If you sent it an array of different permissions, it added it twice.
I was thinking about a rake task, that might be useful.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
The database is migrated then it will include #13529 and duplicate permissions will not be possible due to a unique index. I'm unsure how you would use a rake task to fix a problem that the index doesn't permit. If you are upgrading, use db:migrate.
1.10 is no longer maintained, it cannot be added to that release.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 8 years ago
- Project changed from Foreman to Discovery
- Subject changed from Remove duplicated permissions during seed to Remove duplicated permissions via migration
- Category deleted (
Users, Roles and Permissions)
Ok, changing project, I will simply do a migration in discovery for this one.
Which unique index have you on your mind, because I am just sitting on develop and I do see duplicate permissions right now:
Role.find_by_name("Discovery Manager").permissions.pluck(:name, :resource_type).sort => [["assign_locations", "Location"], ["assign_organizations", "Organization"], ["auto_provision_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["build_hosts", "Host"], ["create_discovery_rules", "DiscoveryRule"], ["create_hosts", "Host"], ["create_hosts", "Host"], ["destroy_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["destroy_discovery_rules", "DiscoveryRule"], ["edit_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["edit_discovery_rules", "DiscoveryRule"], ["execute_discovery_rules", "DiscoveryRule"], ["provision_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["submit_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["view_architectures", "Architecture"], ["view_architectures", "Architecture"], ["view_discovered_hosts", "Host"], ["view_discovery_rules", "DiscoveryRule"], ["view_domains", "Domain"], ["view_domains", "Domain"], ["view_environments", "Environment"], ["view_environments", "Environment"], ["view_hostgroups", "Hostgroup"], ["view_hostgroups", "Hostgroup"], ["view_hosts", "Host"], ["view_hosts", "Host"], ["view_locations", "Location"], ["view_media", "Medium"], ["view_media", "Medium"], ["view_models", "Model"], ["view_models", "Model"], ["view_operatingsystems", "Operatingsystem"], ["view_operatingsystems", "Operatingsystem"], ["view_organizations", "Organization"], ["view_provisioning_templates", "ProvisioningTemplate"], ["view_provisioning_templates", "ProvisioningTemplate"], ["view_ptables", "Ptable"], ["view_ptables", "Ptable"], ["view_puppetclasses", "Puppetclass"], ["view_puppetclasses", "Puppetclass"], ["view_realms", "Realm"], ["view_realms", "Realm"], ["view_smart_proxies", "SmartProxy"], ["view_smart_proxies", "SmartProxy"], ["view_subnets", "Subnet"], ["view_subnets", "Subnet"]]
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
Oh sorry, you mean multiple filters with the same permissions associated to a role, not duplicate Permissions (rows). That is allowed.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #16617: Duplicate filters can be created added
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 8 years ago
Sure, I will fix this in discovery for now and I just dropped a comment on the referenced bug report. Thanks.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal about 8 years ago
Remark for myself: Permission can only be removed, if there is another one with the same attributes, search, taxonomy search and override.