Feature #1809
closedSmart-Proxy control of IPA Server
Are there any plans to create a Smart-Proxy to manage the DNS, Host and Hostgroups portions of Red Hat's IPA / FreeIPA server from within Foreman?
API looks pretty fully featured
Would be good to support a sister project. Could potentially do some interesting things with certificate/service/ssh key management during provisioning too.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 12 years ago
Integrating machine joins via OTPs would be useful too: http://freeipa.org/page/Machine_join. This might work well as a plugin.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Dominic Cleal
- Target version set to 26
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 12 years ago
- Target version changed from 26 to 1.3.0
Updated by Guy Matz over 11 years ago
I was just about to open up a redmine ticket for this very thing! Has anyone already started work on it? I'm almost done with my code . . .
Updated by Dominic Cleal over 11 years ago
Guy Matz wrote:
I was just about to open up a redmine ticket for this very thing! Has anyone already started work on it? I'm almost done with my code . . .
Nope, we're banking on you :)
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version deleted (
Updated by Stephen Benjamin about 11 years ago
Hi, Has there been any more work on this? I ended up doing this using hooks:
Then I discovered this and that most of the work was already done to get it in the Smart Proxy :-D
I'd offer my help if you're interested. I was playing with this in my dev environment to implement a couple of different ideas -- like using the IPA XML RPC API instead, and pre-creating the service principals for Puppet (so FreeIPA can act as a CA)
What do you think?
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
Stephen Benjamin wrote:
Hi, Has there been any more work on this? I ended up doing this using hooks:
No more work done yet, but it's queued on the backlog probably for the sprint after this one.
Then I discovered this and that most of the work was already done to get it in the Smart Proxy :-D
I'd offer my help if you're interested. I was playing with this in my dev environment to implement a couple of different ideas -- like using the IPA XML RPC API instead, and pre-creating the service principals for Puppet (so FreeIPA can act as a CA)
http://github.com/stbenjam/smart-proxy/compare/WIP-realm-supportWhat do you think?
I'm not worried about using the XMLRPC API versus the ipa command if it's easily done. We've also got the rkerberos gem available for doing the "kinit" + keytab portion, which should let you then use GSSAPI.
Rob Crittenden has talked about even implementing the proxy's REST API in FreeIPA so we would register their service as a proxy and call it directly, without needing us to implement anything. I don't know what the status of that is, but we probably need to do this as an interim measure.
Regarding service principals, I'd like to see this added to FreeIPA's hostgroup feature, but again, we could do it here in the interim as it's low impact. This might mean we could set a user class parameter on the host object when it's created, and perhaps have it automatically create certain principals on the host? See the bottom of http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/RealmJoinIntegration.
But yes, I'm all for doing what you suggest!
Updated by Stephen Benjamin about 11 years ago
I'm not worried about using the XMLRPC API versus the ipa command if it's easily done.
I suppose it's fine either way, the API is simpler IMHO - no screen scraping and comes with JSON back out of the box (which includes the generated OTP).
We've also got the rkerberos gem available for doing the "kinit" + keytab portion, which should let you then use GSSAPI.
Yup, I saw that in Guy's code -- that's great! I was looking for a clean way to kinit in ruby.
Rob Crittenden has talked about even implementing the proxy's REST API in FreeIPA so we would register their service as a proxy and call it directly, without needing us to implement anything. I don't know what the status of that is, but we probably need to do this as an interim measure.
There's a page on freeipa.org about it, implementing a limited RESTful API for Foreman
FreeIPA already has JSON-RPC and XML-RPC APIs... does adding a 3rd special purpose provisioning API make sense on their side? I guess that's up to them, but I think there's good reasons that it fits better in the smart proxy.
Regarding service principals, I'd like to see this added to FreeIPA's hostgroup feature, but again, we could do it here in the interim as it's low impact. This might mean we could set a user class parameter on the host object when it's created, and perhaps have it automatically create certain principals on the host? See the bottom of http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/RealmJoinIntegration.
I see how classes fit with IPA groups, that's clever! How would service principals be tied to host groups? Like, a web_server hostgroup comes with HTTP principals? I think that could be useful in some cases, but maybe THAT belongs in FreeIPA as part of auto-member functionality...
My primary concern was about using FreeIPA as the CA for puppet, but now, I wonder if this doesn't belong in a certificate authority smart proxy as an entirely separate thing for later. Plenty of companies using other things for their PKI that could conceivably be used, not just FreeIPA and Puppet CA.
But yes, I'm all for doing what you suggest!
Ok :-) Is Guy still active? I don't want to step on any toes.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
Stephen Benjamin wrote:
Rob Crittenden has talked about even implementing the proxy's REST API in FreeIPA so we would register their service as a proxy and call it directly, without needing us to implement anything. I don't know what the status of that is, but we probably need to do this as an interim measure.
There's a page on freeipa.org about it, implementing a limited RESTful API for Foreman
Interesting, do you have a link?
FreeIPA already has JSON-RPC and XML-RPC APIs... does adding a 3rd special purpose provisioning API make sense on their side? I guess that's up to them, but I think there's good reasons that it fits better in the smart proxy.
Yeah, I'm happy doing it here for now. If it means we can drop it in a year or two's time, that's ok.
Regarding service principals, I'd like to see this added to FreeIPA's hostgroup feature, but again, we could do it here in the interim as it's low impact. This might mean we could set a user class parameter on the host object when it's created, and perhaps have it automatically create certain principals on the host? See the bottom of http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/RealmJoinIntegration.
I see how classes fit with IPA groups, that's clever! How would service principals be tied to host groups? Like, a web_server hostgroup comes with HTTP principals? I think that could be useful in some cases, but maybe THAT belongs in FreeIPA as part of auto-member functionality...
Yep, that's what I think.. haven't raised it with the FreeIPA team yet.
My primary concern was about using FreeIPA as the CA for puppet, but now, I wonder if this doesn't belong in a certificate authority smart proxy as an entirely separate thing for later. Plenty of companies using other things for their PKI that could conceivably be used, not just FreeIPA and Puppet CA.
Yes, I'd love to see proper CA integration when creating hosts.
But yes, I'm all for doing what you suggest!
Ok :-) Is Guy still active? I don't want to step on any toes.
Not at the moment, so we can build on his work and get it included.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin about 11 years ago
Thanks for the info.
Link: http://www.freeipa.org/page/V3/Smart_Proxy
I've incorporated my changes on top of Guy's branch. Here's the relevant section that does the userclass bits for automember..
At the moment it accepts setting arbitrary IPA keys. So, you'd pass ipa_userclass=webservers from your example. How will we POST to the Smart Proxy? A custom JSON or the dump of the host GET (/api/hosts/<hostname>)? That doesn't include the hostgroup string.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
Stephen Benjamin wrote:
Thanks for the info.
I've incorporated my changes on top of Guy's branch. Here's the relevant section that does the userclass bits for automember..
At the moment it accepts setting arbitrary IPA keys. So, you'd pass ipa_userclass=webservers from your example. How will we POST to the Smart Proxy? A custom JSON or the dump of the host GET (/api/hosts/<hostname>)? That doesn't include the hostgroup string.
I'm a bit unsure about passing arbitrary data into it, as the API we use here will have to apply equally to Active Directory in the future (we're just adding a computer object there in the same way, probably using adcli).
The API on the smart proxy is custom, we don't pass any Foreman data as-is, but instead the orchestration layer in Foreman calls the ProxyAPI classes, which then pass whatever parameters are needed for the smart proxy API.
Whether Foreman's host group == IPA's host group I'm unsure though.. I'd assumed it would be separate and just happened to be called the same thing. Maybe IPA host classes are parameters on our host groups or hosts?
By the way, Guy's other branch for Foreman core is here: https://github.com/guymatz/foreman/tree/1809-add_IPA_support
Updated by Stephen Benjamin about 11 years ago
I'm a bit unsure about passing arbitrary data into it, as the API we use here will have to apply equally to Active Directory in the future (we're just adding a computer object there in the same way, probably using adcli).
Ok, that makes sense.
Whether Foreman's host group == IPA's host group I'm unsure though.. I'd assumed it would be separate and just happened to be called the same thing. Maybe IPA host classes are parameters on our host groups or hosts?
Ok, so how about we always post the host's parameters (global ones from the ENC) to a Realm proxy?
And the FreeIPA handler can act on those. FreeIPA automember rules can be based on any LDAP attribute so we might want to be a bit flexible. Perhaps ship a default mapping in settings.yml?
That leaves it open if the user wants to do auto member on some arbitrary parameter they give in Foreman.
Something like:
:freeipa_attribute_mapping: managedby: :owner_name userclass: :hostgroup
Does that makes sense?
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Ready For Testing
- Assignee changed from Dominic Cleal to Stephen Benjamin
- Target version set to 1.10.0
I'm unsure about free-form mapping, but will continue discussion on the PRs.
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.10.0 to 1.9.3
Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.9.3 to 1.9.2
Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.9.2 to 1.9.1
Updated by Duncan Innes almost 11 years ago
Is there any work on this? Or is it going to keep dropping back from Sprint to Sprint?
Would be nice to tie in some of our IPA requirements through Foreman.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Yea, there's some changes that I need to finish based on Dominic's feedback. I haven't had time, but maybe in the next few days. There's not much to finish.
There was also the open question of whether the FreeIPA guys were actually going to implement something on their side but I still don't understand their intentions at all. I'm going to finish the functionality in the foreman smart-proxy.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
I updated the PR's with the latest.
Some to-do's:
- Tests
- SmartProxy - should it support multiple realms or just one? Should be simple to make it support multiple
- Documentation for Manual
- Community Templates snippet for ipa registration w/ OTP
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
The IPA smartproxy design is this: http://www.freeipa.org/page/V3/Smart_Proxy
The IPA patch is under review at http://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-devel/2014-January/msg00213.html
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Ok, well, we should coordinate.
You'll need to rely on the code I've written in Foreman core to handle Realms, and as it stands your API is different than the one I've written. I've no problem adapting to what you've done, it's also perfectly sane.
Just some point/questions:
- Your API needs to respond ["realm"] to GET /features
- Smart Proxy inputs are all parameters at the moment, and that's how my Smart Proxy FreeIPA API works:
e.g. hostname=string&password=string&random=boolean
I like JSON better, but it's just not how things are done for anything else.
- What is the output from the POST to create a host?
- If random is true, you'll return a random password? I don't see a use case in Foreman for letting the user specify an OTP.
- What the intention of force? I think that should probably be a global smart proxy setting, I don't see us adding this to Foreman since we don't for anything else. If any kind of record already exists, we bail. Unless we want something different for this -- like a "Force register" check-box (Dominic?
- Can you take inputs for "userclass" in the POST JSON (and later parameters if this changes) --> my version passes the hostgroup label, so you could do automember rules on the IPA side. This is a major feature of the idea behind realm integration, to be able to link IPA host groups to Foreman host groups.
That's all I can think of now.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
I also recorded a short demo of what the functionality is in the PR's today, just to give you an idea of how it works from start to finish (Warning: Adobe Flash)
Updated by Duncan Innes almost 11 years ago
As I understand it, the 'force' option is used to force creation of the record if a DNS A record can't be found. IPA demands that a DNS entry exists, but this overrides the requirement.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Force should probably be the default without needing to send it then, since the realm API needs to be generic not IPA-specific.
It can be configurable on the smart proxy if you want. In the ruby one I wrote, I just default to sending force = 1. Forgot about that, since I wrote it a while ago.
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
I'm working on implementing the changes now.
I'm returning data as json. This is what adding a host looks like:
{ "dn": "fqdn=hostname.example.com,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com", "fqdn": [ "hostname.example.com" ], "has_keytab": false, "has_password": true, "ipauniqueid": [ "5f5d467c-9fce-11e3-bcca-525400d17cb3" ], "managedby_host": [ "hostname.example.com" ], "objectclass": [ "ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys", "ipaobject", "ieee802device", "nshost", "top", "ipaservice", "pkiuser", "ipahost", "ipasshhost" ], "randompassword": "_i7@PhgpAnjn" }
I switched to using POST data rather than URL parameters in fact to support passing the password without logging it. I'll switch back and consider dropping password.
I'm fine with defaulting to True for force.
I'll add an option for userclass.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
So the smart proxy is POSTing the parameters -- so you can still POST, but just the raw parameters like:
And I'll update my side to accept that return JSON.
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
I checked out the other smartproxy APIs and they support JSON inputs. Is a POST even valid with no content, or are you suggesting creating a host with a GET?
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Which do you see that in?
None that I know of in the Smart Proxy are taking JSON inputs. It's the same format as doing a GET request, but you're posting the URL-encoded parameter string.
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
Stephen and I hashed the question about format out in IRC, but to close the loop there is a reference to JSON at http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/smart-proxy/wiki/API
I've been testing with the same format he mentioned so we're fine.
I've hardcoded force to True.
I have a new upstream patch which adds the /feature URI and confirmed that userclass is supported:
$ curl -v http://localhost:8090/realm/example.com -X POST -d "hostname=host.example.com&userclass=foo"
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Great! What do you think about the realm name -- treat it case insensitively? In IPA the realm is uppercase - EXAMPLE.COM.
Can I give your code a try? Is it in git somewhere?
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
I have a COPR repo with the bits at http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/rcritten/python-kerberos/
I've only tested in F-20 so far and you'll need a bunch of things from updates-testing as well. You'll also need python-qrcode which I missed in the Requires.
The initial installation failed for me with https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4084 which is supposed to be fixed, I'll re-open the ticket for investigation.
man ipa-smartproxy will give you what you need to set up the smart proxy post-install.
Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.9.1 to 1.9.0
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Rob - is it possible to package freeipa-server-foreman-smartproxy for previous versions of FreeIPA (and RH IdM)?
It would make it so we don't need to have two smart proxies doing the same thing. If not then I guess we'd need to keep the Foreman Smart Proxy implementation at least for a while.
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
No as it relies on functionality not available in previous releases, some in IPA and some in other areas of the distro. It needs a newer gss-proxy and python-kerberos, for example.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Tested the code in the COPR repo, it works against my IPA branch for Foreman! This is awesome.
The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is the localhost requirement, I think it'd be better with client SSL auth, so then the freeipa-foreman-smartproxy could run anywhere. What do you think?
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
I agree but cherrypy doesn't yet support SSL client auth. There is an open bug and patch, https://bitbucket.org/cherrypy/cherrypy/issue/1001/adding-support-for-client-certificate
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
One more thing needed...
we need the ability to update a host. In Foreman, a user can rebuild a server or change the Hostgroup -- so in that case, we need to re-request an OTP. I think after looking at this it's easiest to just use the "create" call.
If the smart proxy gets a new request and the server already exists, then just issue a new OTP and update the userclass.
That sound OK?
Unfortunately this needs more permissions, documented here:
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
By rebuild you mean re-provision right?
I think what you'd want to do is a host-disable <host> which will un-enroll it, then you can set a new password on it using host-mod. Similarly the userclass can be managed this way too.
Are you suggesting a new REST target for this?
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
I don't think we need a new REST target...I was just using the same POST as create. I do host_find to see if it still existed, and if so calling host_mod, otherwise host_create.
Do I need to do host-disable first? It seems to work without.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Oh, I see why to disable, since it revokes all the keytabs and things. I'll include that.
Also I noticed your proxy only accepts a downcase realm (example.com, not EXAMPLE.COM). Can you make it case insensitive? I always assumed the realm would be upper case, and I guess others might too.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
Actually, we might call the "update" method in cases where we're not reprovisioning... the user just simply updated the hostgroup for example...
Updated by Rob Crittenden almost 11 years ago
Right, so how to distinguish the update vs the re-provision case?
I was actually registering the domain, not the realm, good catch. I'll fix up my version.
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
We must do something similar for the Puppet certificates, since we should only blow them away on a rebuild. I'll take a look.
I can probably pass a parameter like "build=1" if the system is in build mode.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
For Puppet certificates, we revoke the old cert when the host makes its request for the kickstart/provision template. Have a look at the unattended controller and host's handle_ca methods.
Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.9.0 to 1.8.4
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release set to 4
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
- Related to Feature #4917: Smart-Proxy Realm Provider for Active Directory added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Precedes Bug #4918: Add realm commands added
Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 45e05273167548592e96c0c75b0e331631fbffeb.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
Documentation on configuring the smart proxy: http://theforeman.org/manuals/1.5/index.html#4.3.11FreeIPARealm
Community templates have been updated, will be present in new 1.5 installations too. See:
Updated by Stephen Benjamin almost 11 years ago
API documentation updated: http://projects.theforeman.org/projects/smart-proxy/wiki/API