Bug #18622
closedCan't view host config reports if permission is limited to a hostgroup
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1425752
Description of problem:
We have a role that is limited to actions on a certain hostgroup. Since 6.2 we had to add the "Config report" view_config_reports permission so that the users can see the reports of their hosts. However this only works if the permission is added without a filter.
When adding a filter (like: "hostgroup_title ~ ourgroup"), the user still gets the "reports" button on the host overview page, but when clicking it (and thus accessing e.g. https://sat6.example.com/hosts/client.example.com/config_reports) a nice PostgreSQL error is shown:
Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong PG::Error: ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "hostgroups" LINE 1: SELECT hostgroups.id FROM "hostgroups" "hostgroups_reports" ^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the table alias "hostgroups_reports". : SELECT hostgroups.id FROM "hostgroups" "hostgroups_reports"
Looking at the PostgreSQL logs, the log is not much more than the error message itself:
2017-02-21 09:46:56 CET ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "hostgroups" at character 8
2017-02-21 09:46:56 CET HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the table alias "hostgroups_reports".
2017-02-21 09:46:56 CET STATEMENT: SELECT hostgroups.id FROM "hostgroups" "hostgroups_reports"
However, I see another error, which was generated with the same action, but for another user, which has slightly different rights:
2017-02-21 09:14:20 CET ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "hosts_reports" at character 1381
2017-02-21 09:14:20 CET STATEMENT: SELECT "reports"."id" AS t0_r0, "reports"."host_id" AS t0_r1, "reports"."reported_at" AS t0_r2, "reports"."created_at" AS t0_r3, "reports"."updated_at" AS t0_r4, "reports"."status" AS t0_r5, "reports"."metrics" AS t0_r6, "reports"."type" AS t0_r7, "reports"."openscap_proxy_id" AS t0_r8, "hostgroups"."id" AS t1_r0, "hostgroups"."name" AS t1_r1, "hostgroups"."created_at" AS t1_r2, "hostgroups"."updated_at" AS t1_r3, "hostgroups"."environment_id" AS t1_r4, "hostgroups"."operatingsystem_id" AS t1_r5, "hostgroups"."architecture_id" AS t1_r6, "hostgroups"."medium_id" AS t1_r7, "hostgroups"."ptable_id" AS t1_r8, "hostgroups"."root_pass" AS t1_r9, "hostgroups"."puppet_ca_proxy_id" AS t1_r10, "hostgroups"."use_image" AS t1_r11, "hostgroups"."image_file" AS t1_r12, "hostgroups"."ancestry" AS t1_r13, "hostgroups"."vm_defaults" AS t1_r14, "hostgroups"."subnet_id" AS t1_r15, "hostgroups"."domain_id" AS t1_r16, "hostgroups"."puppet_proxy_id" AS t1_r17, "hostgroups"."title" AS t1_r18, "hostgroups"."realm_id" AS t1_r19, "hostgroups"."compute_profile_id" AS t1_r20, "hostgroups"."content_source_id" AS t1_r21, "hostgroups"."grub_pass" AS t1_r22, "hostgroups"."content_view_id" AS t1_r23, "hostgroups"."lifecycle_environment_id" AS t1_r24, "hostgroups"."lookup_value_matcher" AS t1_r25, "hostgroups"."kickstart_repository_id" AS t1_r26, "hostgroups"."openscap_proxy_id" AS t1_r27, "hosts_reports"."id" AS t2_r0, "hosts_reports"."name" AS t2_r1, "hosts_reports"."last_compile" AS t2_r2, "hosts_reports"."last_report" AS t2_r3, "hosts_reports"."updated_at" AS t2_r4, "hosts_reports"."created_at" AS t2_r5, "hosts_reports"."root_pass" AS t2_r6, "hosts_reports"."architecture_id" AS t2_r7, "hosts_reports"."operatingsystem_id" AS t2_r8, "hosts_reports"."environment_id" AS t2_r9, "hosts_reports"."ptable_id" AS t2_r10, "hosts_reports"."medium_id" AS t2_r11, "hosts_reports"."build" AS t2_r12, "hosts_reports"."comment" AS t2_r13, "hosts_reports"."disk" AS t2_r14, "hosts_reports"."installed_at" AS t2_r15, "hosts_reports"."model_id" AS t2_r16, "hosts_reports"."hostgroup_id" AS t2_r17, "hosts_reports"."owner_id" AS t2_r18, "hosts_reports"."owner_type" AS t2_r19, "hosts_reports"."enabled" AS t2_r20, "hosts_reports"."puppet_ca_proxy_id" AS t2_r21, "hosts_reports"."managed" AS t2_r22, "hosts_reports"."use_image" AS t2_r23, "hosts_reports"."image_file" AS t2_r24, "hosts_reports"."uuid" AS t2_r25, "hosts_reports"."compute_resource_id" AS t2_r26, "hosts_reports"."puppet_proxy_id" AS t2_r27, "hosts_reports"."certname" AS t2_r28, "hosts_reports"."image_id" AS t2_r29, "hosts_reports"."organization_id" AS t2_r30, "hosts_reports"."location_id" AS t2_r31, "hosts_reports"."type" AS t2_r32, "hosts_reports"."otp" AS t2_r33, "hosts_reports"."realm_id" AS t2_r34, "hosts_reports"."compute_profile_id" AS t2_r35, "hosts_reports"."provision_method" AS t2_r36, "hosts_reports"."content_source_id" AS t2_r37, "hosts_reports"."grub_pass" AS t2_r38, "hosts_reports"."discovery_rule_id" AS t2_r39, "hosts_reports"."content_view_id" AS t2_r40, "hosts_reports"."lifecycle_environment_id" AS t2_r41, "hosts_reports"."global_status" AS t2_r42, "hosts_reports"."lookup_value_matcher" AS t2_r43, "hosts_reports"."openscap_proxy_id" AS t2_r44 FROM "reports" INNER JOIN "hosts" ON "hosts"."id" = "reports"."host_id" AND "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') AND "hosts"."organization_id" IN (1) AND "hosts"."location_id" IN (8, 27, 21, 19, 9, 3, 4, 20) LEFT OUTER JOIN "hosts" "hosts_reports_join" ON "hosts_reports_join"."id" = "reports"."host_id" AND "hosts_reports_join"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') AND "hosts_reports_join"."organization_id" IN (1) AND "hosts_reports_join"."location_id" IN (8, 27, 21, 19, 9, 3, 4, 20) LEFT OUTER JOIN "hostgroups" ON "hostgroups"."id" = "hosts_reports_join"."hostgroup_id" AND "hostgroups"."id" IN (34, 43, 25, 32, 12, 1, 42, 11, 18, 59, 78, 53, 54, 62, 19, 2, 3, 47, 72, 23, 41, 35, 61, 65, 75, 20, 69, 44, 22, 63, 37, 70, 14, 27, 48, 55, 17, 68, 36, 15, 66, 38, 60, 50, 74, 33, 73, 56) WHERE "reports"."type" IN ('ConfigReport') AND (("hostgroups"."title" ILIKE '%ourgroup%')) AND (("hosts"."name" = 'client.example.com')) ORDER BY "reports"."reported_at" DESC LIMIT 25 OFFSET 0
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create a user that is allowed to see config reports based on a hostgroup substring (like: "hostgroup_title ~ ourgroup")
2. open https://sat6.example.com/hosts/client.example.com/config_reports for a host in such a group
Actual results:
PostgreSQL error
Expected results:
list of reports
Additional info:
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #10819: PGError: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "hosts_reports" LINE 1 added
Updated by Dominic Cleal about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Appears the same as #10819 + related/duplicate issues.