Bug #19517
closed--clear-pulp-content installer flag does not reset repomd cache
Cloned from BZ:
Description of problem:
If you run "satellite-installer --scenario capsule --clear-pulp-content" on a capsule that's registered to the satellite and then kick off a new sync from the satellite, no new packages will be downloaded. We should probably start mongodb and run http://people.redhat.com/~mmccune/reset-resync-flag.bash after clearing pulp content, so Pulp knows to resync.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 6.2.7
How reproducible: every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1. set up a sat + capsule, sync a repo and sync to capsule
2. run above command
3. attempt another capsule sync
Actual results: capsule sync finishes quickly, with no units synced
Expected results: capsule resyncs missing units
Additional info: This is similar to the "force full sync" flags being added. However, I think it's best to just clear the repomd timestamp cache if we run --clear-pulp-content.