



Bug #19659


Content sync/promotion fails to all capsules if one capsule is down

Added by Brad Buckingham over 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Foreman Proxy Content
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Description of problem:
If a content sync is underway, and any one capsule is down or becomes unavailable during this stage, the synchronisation to ALL capsules fails.

The problem seems to be that the sync/publish/promote actions on Satellite perform the satellite component of the task first, and then in the last 5-10% of the job plan and start the capsule sync jobs. At this point if one capsule does not respond the entire task fails so none of the capsules begin syncing.

At the time of the task failure, the Satellite components have completed, so from the Satellite view there is nothing to do. Package search shows new packages in the content view but they are not available on the capsules.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

Satellite 6.2.x with multiple capsules.

How reproducible:

Any time a capsule is unavailable and a sync/publish/promote is triggered. This has happened a few times as network connectivity to a remote capsule has been lost whilst a sync is in progress.

Also, if a capsule is down due to a known condition (e.g. remote site power outage) a sync on the remaining capsules cannot be started due to the one being down. The only way around this is to remove the capsule from the Satellite configuration, sync the rest, add the 'failed' capsule again and manually re-sync it when it has re-connected to Satellite. This is highly undesirable is a large enterprise environment.

Steps to Reproduce:
Environment is Satellite 6.2.x with at least 2 capsules, set them up to receive Library CV.
- Start a repo sync and whilst the sync is in progress disconnect one capsule from the network.
- Monitor the Satellite tasks - when the sync task reaches 95% (roughly) there should be new capsule sync tasks spawned in planning state. At this point the main sync task will fail due to being unable to plan capsule sync on the failed capsule
- Note that capsule sync to the GOOD capsule is also not performed


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