Bug #20591
Support for multi-line runcmd cloudinit commands in oVirt
Added by Ivan Necas over 7 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
Compute resources - oVirt
Currently, the `runcmd` options in cloudinit integration with ovirt don't handle
multi-line items, leading to bad indentation of the resulting cloud-init.
See http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/20590 for request for full
integration with cloud-init in ovirt, as the current set if quite limiting. However,
getting the multi-line support into runcmd is smaller than the full-set cloud-init support
(by means of number of different repositories the fix needs to go though)
- Related to Feature #20590: Full cloud-init support with ovirt provider added
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/4744 added
- Pull request https://github.com/fog/fog/pull/3961 added
- Pull request deleted (
https://github.com/fog/fog/pull/3961, https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/4744)
- Bugzilla link set to 1189813
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- Status changed from Closed to New
Reopening, Ivan I don't see any commit that would bump our rbovirt requirementes. Also in our repos, there's still rbovirt 0.1.3. I suppose it should be bumped to consider this issue fixed.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Triaged set to No
- Fixed in Releases 1.17.2 added
I see 0.1.4 is in 1.17 repos, setting the version accordingly.
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