Feature #20693
closedInconsistent usage of arrows within rows in Products table
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1186526
Description of problem:
Within the Products table, the selection highlight method changes depending on if you have the details pane open or not. When you see the full table, each row you check and select becomes blue and gets an arrow (which is normally reserved to indicate the selected element that you're viewing). After selecting a few, you can click on one of them, or click on Bulk Actions, and get the table to compress, showing the details pane. When that happens, the arrows are removed, and will only show for the row that is selected and showing a details pane.
I don't think we should show the arrows on the full table, and reserve them only for when a row is showing a detail pane, so that the arrow is pointing at that. Changing how we show selected rows depending on if the details pane is open or not is a little odd. The arrows don't add anything of value on the full table view.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):