Bug #20991
openAssigning specific host to newly created org/loc does not work
Reproducing steps:
- have at least one host without any org/loc (update from console, register through puppet)
- create new location
- in step 2 select you want to choose "Manually assign"
- click some host, clicking the green "Assign to Location"
The button does nothing, form is not submitted. It seems the submit is part of a wrong <form>. Also the button should not be green, it should be blue.
Updated by Rahul Bajaj about 5 years ago
- Related to Tracker #28345: SSO using OpenID Connect added
Updated by Marek Hulán almost 5 years ago
Rahul, answering here since you were already offline. I think this is still valid issue, the host can be unassigned to any org/loc, e.g. if it's created from facts or report upload. Whether it's right or wrong is a different question, but given there's still a way to create such host, we should fix it.