Feature #21437
closedthe delete host confirmation box could be a bit more explicit
Deleting a Host:
Are you sure you want to delete host <...>? This action is irreversible.
Deleting a Host and associated VM (vsphere)?
Are you sure you want to delete host <...>? This will delete the virtual machine and its disks, and is irreversible.
Right now the prompt is visually the same. Yes, there a few extra words. But a human isn't going to take the extra time to read the message. Maybe some highlighted text on "delete the virtual machine and its disks" or a confirmation checkbox. Or both.
Deleting the Host record, not an issue, but right now deleting a VM and its disks could be a bit more explicit. The difference between the messages is quite subtle.
Updated by Marek Hulán about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I believe this was resolved, the message is now more explicit and there's global setting that can be used to disable VM deletion. It has been introduced in 1.20
Updated by Marek Hulán about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #22737: Flag to avoid deletion from compute resource of an host associated when it's removed from satellite added
Updated by Marek Hulán about 6 years ago
- Related to Feature #25735: Add the host deletion warning also to host bulk action added