Bug #2189
closedProblem searching for host params "inherited" from the hostgrup
I've found this problem (at least) in 1.1RC5 and 1.1
How to reproduce it:
- Create a hostgroup A with a parameter foo=bar,
- Create a hostgrup B whose parent is A.
- Create a host foreman-rules and assign B as its hostgroup.
- Now search for all the host that match param.foo=bar (using the web interface for instance). You will get an empty list.
- Overwrite foo param in hostgroup B or in host foreman-rules, the search works perfeclty.
It seems that I can only search for params that are defined in the host or in the hostgroup that it's assigned but not deep in the hostgroup hierarchy.
Updated by Clemens Bergmann about 12 years ago
hi there,
I can confirm this.
I can also say that this is not only for parameters but for any search. My problem is the search for puppet classes.
If Hostgroup A has class C and is the parent of Hostgroup B.
And if Host H is member of Hostgroup B.
If you then search for "class = C" the result does not include Host H.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 12 years ago
- Category set to Search
This is a very similar issue to what is described in #1804.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Is duplicate of Bug #2871: Foreman scoped_search on hosts params only search for boolean parameters added
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
This has been fixed in Foreman 1.3.0 via #2871.