



Bug #2189


Problem searching for host params "inherited" from the hostgrup

Added by Oscar Ferrer about 12 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
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I've found this problem (at least) in 1.1RC5 and 1.1

How to reproduce it:
- Create a hostgroup A with a parameter foo=bar,
- Create a hostgrup B whose parent is A.
- Create a host foreman-rules and assign B as its hostgroup.
- Now search for all the host that match (using the web interface for instance). You will get an empty list.
- Overwrite foo param in hostgroup B or in host foreman-rules, the search works perfeclty.

It seems that I can only search for params that are defined in the host or in the hostgroup that it's assigned but not deep in the hostgroup hierarchy.

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to Foreman - Bug #1804: Class filter in host page does not show inherited class from nested hostgroupClosedDominic Cleal08/02/2012Actions
Related to Foreman - Feature #2263: search Hostgroup by label ClosedJoseph Magen02/28/2013Actions
Is duplicate of Foreman - Bug #2871: Foreman scoped_search on hosts params only search for boolean parametersClosedDaniel Lobato Garcia08/02/2013Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Clemens Bergmann almost 12 years ago

hi there,

I can confirm this.
I can also say that this is not only for parameters but for any search. My problem is the search for puppet classes.
If Hostgroup A has class C and is the parent of Hostgroup B.
And if Host H is member of Hostgroup B.
If you then search for "class = C" the result does not include Host H.

Actions #2

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 12 years ago

  • Category set to Search

This is a very similar issue to what is described in #1804.

Actions #3

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago

  • Is duplicate of Bug #2871: Foreman scoped_search on hosts params only search for boolean parameters added
Actions #4

Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 11 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from New to Duplicate

This has been fixed in Foreman 1.3.0 via #2871.


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