Bug #2226
closedpuppet proxy does not detect certain classes
Target version:
I ran the foreman-proxy importer against a large codebase of about 50 Puppet modules containing around 200 classes. About 20 classes failed to be discovered, and did not up in the list of available classes.
I added some printf logging to puppet_class.rb and determined that it was able to parse the AST but did not find whatever it was looking for. As a workaround, I added some fallback logic that will make an educated guess as to what the classname should be.
--- puppet_class.rb.ORIG 2013-02-18 18:06:54.000000000 -0500 +++ puppet_class.rb.NEW 2013-02-19 17:47:52.000000000 -0500 @@ -39,6 +39,17 @@ klasses << new(klass.namespace, params) end end + # + # WORKAROUND: if we don't find any classes by examining the AST, + # assume that there is a single class that matches the filename. + # + # Example: + # + # file .../modules/foo/manifests/bar.pp becomes class foo::bar + # + if klasses.empty? + klasses << new(filename.clone.gsub(/.*\/modules\//, '').gsub('/manifests/', '::').gsub(/.pp$/, '').gsub('::init', ''), {}) + end klasses rescue => e puts "Error while parsing #{filename}: #{e}"
See below for an example of a class that the foreman-proxy was unable to discover:
class apache2 { # barebones minimum of apache, just the groups and devel package # some boxes require just this, cassandra for example. realize ( Group["bronto"], User["bronto"], Group["tomcat"], User["tomcat"], Group["apache"], User["apache"], ) package { "httpd-devel": ensure => "installed", alias => "httpd-devel", } }
Here are the versions I am running:
- foreman-proxy-1.1stable-1.el5
- puppet 2.7.11
- CentOS 5.4
- ruby 1.8.6 (2009-08-04 patchlevel 383) [x86_64-linux]