Bug #22660
openinstall of katello 3.6RC1 and foreman 1.17RC1 fails because of missing gems and rpm dependencies
could not install with the in the documentation provided steps.
i had to manually install
scl enable tfm bash
yum -y install gcc ruby-devel
gem install sqlite3
gem install sinatra --version '~> 1.4'
that was the initial setup and error. please ignore the user error because i had a freeipa foreman user
after that more errors came which i dont know how to fix..
Updated by Ivan Necas about 7 years ago
The package to update the dependency on sinatra should be updated now, see https://community.theforeman.org/t/foreman-1-17rc1/8439/2, the build is available here http://koji.katello.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=25327. I wonder how the sqlite could get missing, as the smart_proxy_dynflow_core does require it.
Coudl you output info from rpm -qa '*sqlite3*'
and rpm -qa '*smart_proxy_dynflow_core*'