Bug #23516
closedHost registration fails with the error: "Validation failed: Host has already been taken"
User reported registration issue:
2018-05-03 18:25:33 fa7244b2 [app] [I] Current user: admin (administrator)
2018-05-03 18:25:33 fa7244b2 [app] [D] Setting current user thread-local variable to admin
2018-05-03 18:25:33 fa7244b2 [notifications] [D] Notification event: UINotifications::DestroyHost - checking for notifications
2018-05-03 18:25:34 fa7244b2 [katello/cp_proxy] [E] <Class> ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
2018-05-03 18:25:34 fa7244b2 [katello/cp_proxy] [E] host_id: ["has already been taken"]
2018-05-03 18:25:34 fa7244b2 [app] [I] Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 1240ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 92.5ms)
2018-05-03 18:25:34 fa7244b2 [app] [D] With body: {"displayMessage":"Validation failed: Host has already been taken","errors":{"host_id":["has already been taken"]}}