Bug #2393
closedCouple of models broken with audited 3.0.0
In audited 3.0.0, there is this change:
It adds audited column automatically as attr_protected, which means, that even with whitelist_attributes = false,
the models start being checked.
The solution: set whitelist_attirbutes to true and fix all the missing models with attr_accesible. I know at least
about Oranization, Location, Operatingsystem and ComputeResource that have this issue.
Note: right now, Gemfile locks the audited gem on rc1, which doesn't contain this change. Since the 3.0.0 is already
out, there should be no reason to keep that locked, and we should fix our code base instead.
Updated by Dominic Cleal almost 12 years ago
- Category set to Audit Log
- Target version set to 1.2.0
Updated by Ivan Necas almost 12 years ago
This btw. means, that foreman doesn't work properly on Fedora, since there already is audited-3.0.0:
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 9c864cb673c38f6e4313f1d83c0607a56a6d164e.