Feature #24080
closedAdd support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
It would be cool to get packages for `bionic` before July 26th, when 18.04.1 is released and upgrade will become available for servers.
I found this thread (https://community.theforeman.org/t/foreman-installer-and-apt-support-for-ubuntu-18-04-bionic/9798) on the forum, but it would be nice to have a ticket to track progress on it.
Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pending
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Assignee set to Anonymous
It would be cool if puppetlabs would deliver the respective supoprt for it. Before that, we are blocked.
Updated by Mateusz Gozdek almost 7 years ago
I assume you are talking about modules updates with bionic support. About which modules are you talking about exactly? Only puppetlabs-postgresql? Are there issues opened upstream to address that, so we can block on it? Blocking without a reference make no sense IMO :)
Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago
- All the modules, we're using in the installer (I'm checking this, once puppetserver is there)
- puppet-agent package (that's already there)
- puppetserver package (missing at the moment)
- Maybe I forgot something
Are there issues opened upstream to address that, so we can block on it?
I don't know
Updated by Michael Gooden over 6 years ago
- Triaged set to No
puppetserver has been released for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
A quick investigation attempting to use the existing Xenial packages shows a requirement on Ruby 2.3, Bionic appears to only ship Ruby 2.5 (which according to a ticket here https://projects.theforeman.org/issues/22103 is not yet supported under The Foreman anyway?)
I have an ancient installation on Ubuntu 14.04 that I would like to replace with an Ubuntu 18.04 instance, so please let me know if I can help test any nightlies for you.
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
Pretty, please, wait for us to announce support. We have it on our radar.
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
- Blocked by Tracker #22103: Support Ruby 2.5 added
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Pending to Closed
- Fixed in Releases 1.19.0 added