Bug #24247
Repositories not updated after changing content view and lifecycle environment
Added by Martin Angermeier about 6 years ago.
Updated almost 6 years ago.
Hello everybody,
we use Foreman 1.17.1 and Katello 3.6.0.
Recently we changed LE & CV of our servers but the repositories were not updated althoug we published / promoted after this change.
Following RedHat Solution https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1752493 we tried to update via hammer-cli with
# hammer host update --name client.example.com --lifecycle-environment "ENV_NAME" --content-view "CV_NAME" --organization-id <ORG_ID>
When we use the activation key "RTC-Artifactory_RHEL7" for a server, it gets the correct repositories. The non-working server got the activation key "Default-Test-RHEL7".
Is there any connection between activation key and content view that overrides host-specific settings ?
Martin Angermeier
Have you tried performing a `subscription-manager refresh` on the machine? Before doing that you might check if the repo is already enabled due to the check-in process of the machine.
- Status changed from New to Need more information
I've tried the refresh several times including cleaning the yum cache and even the yum.repos.d folder.
Where do I find the information whether the repo is already enabled?
Martin Angermeier
You can find which repositories are enabled with `yum repolist --enabled`.
I already looked for the repos in yum, they got the wrong url. That's what I wanted to express initially.
For example...the correct url should look like .../pulp/.../RTC-Artifactory/... something like that.
But in the yum repolist I got something like .../pulp/.../Default_RHEL7/...
I tried the following :
1. yum clean all
2. rm -rf /var/cache/yum
3. subscription-manager refresh
No change.
Then I tried to delete *.repo and the steps above.
Everytime the machine got the repositories connected to the activation key "Default-Test-RHEL7".
- Assignee set to Jonathon Turel
Patch did not work unfortunately, update to version 3.7.0 is taking some time at the moment.
If it helps...
subscription-manager identity
show the wrong environment even after the hammer update script.
- Status changed from Need more information to Needs design
Martin Angermeier wrote:
Patch did not work unfortunately, update to version 3.7.0 is taking some time at the moment.
If it helps...
subscription-manager identity
show the wrong environment even after the hammer update script.
Sorry it didn't work. Can you please run the hammer command to update the environment once more and then provide the output of `hammer host info --name client.example.com` ?
Following that, run 'foreman-debug' on the Katello instance and attach the tarball to the issue and I can look into it.
- Status changed from Needs design to Need more information
- Target version set to Katello Recycle Bin
Moving to recycle bin, this will be closed after 7 more days of inactivity. Thanks!
The tarball is over 70 MB but we got another punch of problems at the moment so we cannot provide it currently. Output of hammer info shows nothing suspicious:
Id: 2128
Name: XXX
Organization: XXX
Location: XXX
Cert name: XXX
Managed: no
Installed at:
Last report: 2018/09/01 03:24:43
IPv4 address: XXX
Domain: XXX
Network interfaces:
1) Id: 2777
Identifier: ens192
Type: interface (primary, provision)
MAC address: XXX
IPv4 address: XXX
2) Id: 2778
Identifier: ens256
Type: interface
MAC address: XXX
IPv4 address: XXX
Operating system:
Architecture: x86_64
Operating System: RedHat 7.3
Build: no
Custom partition table:
All parameters:
Additional info:
Owner: XXXX
Owner Type: User
Enabled: yes
Model: VMware Virtual Platform
Content Information:
Content View:
ID: 30
Lifecycle Environment:
ID: 32
Content Source:
Kickstart Repository:
Applicable Packages: 0
Upgradable Packages: 0
Applicable Errata:
Enhancement: 0
Bug Fix: 0
Security: 0
Subscription Information:
Last Checkin:
Service Level:
Release Version:
Registered To:
Registered At:
Host Collections:
Martin: Perhaps you can send me a dropbox link or something similar to my email address? jturel@redhat.com
- Status changed from Need more information to Rejected
Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen if you want to continue investigation. Thanks!
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