



Tracker #24400


Modularity - P1

Added by Partha Aji over 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

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Tracker for Modularity P1 stories

Related issues 28 (0 open28 closed)

Related to Katello - Feature #25345: As a user I would like to see Upgradable Module Streams for a Content HostClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24401: As a Developer I 'd like to create a model for modules.ClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24402: As a developer I would like to index module information from pulpClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24403: As a user I would like to sync a repository that has modules.ClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24404: As a user, I would like to see repository module counts and details in the APIResolvedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24406: As a user I would like to be able to search modules in a repositoryClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24407: Show list of module streams in UI and module stream details pageClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24408: As a hammer user I would like to be able to see details for a moduleClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24409: UI/API - As a user I would like to be able to search modules across repositories based on VSCAN information.ClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24410: UI/API - As a user I would like to know the module information associated to an erratumClosedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24411: As a user I would like to see modules belonging to a Lifecycle Environment.ClosedAndrew KofinkActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24420: As a user I would like to be able to publish a Content view for a repository with modulesClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24424: UI/API - As a user I would like enable/disable a module stream on a host via REXClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Foreman - Feature #24425: As a user I would like to create REX templates for Modularity ActionsClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #24426: hammer - As a user I would like Enable/Disable a module stream on a hostResolvedActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24427: API - As a user I would like to see the list of modules available to my hostClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24428: UI - As a user I would like to Display the list of modules available to my hostClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24429: UI - As a user I would like enable/disable a module stream on a host collection ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24430: As a user I would like a dnf plugin to to upload a list of modules installed on my content host, including the profile information.ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24587: API/UI - can see modules associated to repositories belonging to the content view versionClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24434: As a user, I would like a "UploadModuleProfile"ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Feature #24945: Add module stream details pageClosedJohn MitschActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25084: As a user I would like to sync module information associated to an erratum ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25085: UI - As a user I would like to know the module information associated to an erratum ClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25086: API - Would like Import inventory Data from subscription managerClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25087: API - Would like Import Module Inventory Data from subscription managerClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25088: UI - As a user I want to see Installed/Enabled modulesClosedPartha AjiActions
Blocked by Katello - Bug #25089: Host Tools - Remove Package Profile/Enabled repos from Host ToolsClosedJonathon TurelActions

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