



Feature #24532


Allow Satellite user to choose between VNC, SPICE for Display type on RHEV compute resources

Added by Shira Maximov over 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Compute resources - oVirt
Target version:
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Cloned from

1. Proposed title of this feature request:
Offer Display type choice between SPICE and VNC for RHEV compute resources

2. Who is the customer behind the request?

This information will be provided as a private comment.

3. What is the nature and description of the request?

With RHEV registered on Satellite 6.2.10 as a compute resource, SPICE is used as Display type. No questions asked, no other options offered.

Customer uses VNC by default on their RHV infrastructure, but Satellite will always set new RHV guests to SPICE.

Customer would like to be able to choose VNC instead of SPICE.

For comparison purposes, libvirt compute resource allows the user to choose between VNC and SPICE.

4. Why does the customer need this?

Customer uses VNC by default as Display type on RHV when spinning new VMs on this RHV. This is a requirement for their standard environment.

5. How would the customer like to achieve this?

On the webUI, navigate to Infrastructure > Compute resources.
Click "Edit" next to a RHEV compute resource and change Display type from SPICE to VNC.

This is precisely what libvirt compute resources offer as of today.

With hammer this would be accomplished the same way as libvirt offers this switch:
  1. hammer compute-resource update --id <ID> --display-type VNC

6. For each functional requirement listed, specify how Red Hat and the customer can test to confirm the requirement is successfully implemented.

Both webUI and hammer can be tested by the customer.
Customer has a sandbox environment where they can test new things before going to production.

7. Is there already an existing RFE upstream or in Red Hat Bugzilla?
This looks like an extension of this 5 year old upstream RFE:

8. Does the customer have any specific timeline dependencies and which release would they like to target?
As soon as possible but this is not critical. This is significantly convenient.
While this new setting is not available the customer must go to RHEV and set the display type of each individual guest to VNC when the guest is provisioned.

9. Is the sales team involved in this request and do they have any additional input?


10. List any affected packages or components.

Foreman, hammer, RHEV compute resources.

11. Would the customer be able to assist in testing this functionality if implemented?



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