



Bug #24699


Dashboard widget 'Run distribution chart' gives error 'PG::DuplicateAlias'

Added by Adam Winberg over 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


This happens when I search for a specific host in the dashboard search. The 'Run distribution chart' widget then errors out with message:

ActionView::Template::Error: PG::DuplicateAlias: ERROR:  table name "reports" specified more than once

The Foreman log shows the exact SQL query which looks like this (prettied up):

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "hosts"."id") FROM "hosts" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "reports" ON "reports"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "reports"."type" IN ('ConfigReport')
LEFT OUTER JOIN "models" ON "models"."id" = "hosts"."model_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "hostgroups" ON "hostgroups"."id" = "hosts"."hostgroup_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" ON "nics"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "nics"."primary" = $1
LEFT OUTER JOIN "domains" ON "domains"."id" = "nics"."domain_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "realms" ON "realms"."id" = "hosts"."realm_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "environments" ON "environments"."id" = "hosts"."environment_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "architectures" ON "architectures"."id" = "hosts"."architecture_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "compute_resources" ON "compute_resources"."id" = "hosts"."compute_resource_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "images" ON "images"."id" = "hosts"."image_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "operatingsystems" ON "operatingsystems"."id" = "hosts"."operatingsystem_id" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" "primary_interfaces_hosts" ON "primary_interfaces_hosts"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "primary_interfaces_hosts"."primary" = $2
LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" "primary_interfaces_hosts_join" ON "primary_interfaces_hosts_join"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "primary_interfaces_hosts_join"."primary" = $3
LEFT OUTER JOIN "subnets" ON "subnets"."id" = "primary_interfaces_hosts_join"."subnet_id" AND "subnets"."type" = $4
LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" "primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2" ON "primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2"."primary" = $5
LEFT OUTER JOIN "subnets" "subnet6s_hosts" ON "subnet6s_hosts"."id" = "primary_interfaces_hosts_join_2"."subnet6_id" AND "subnet6s_hosts"."type" = $6
LEFT OUTER JOIN "nics" "provision_interfaces_hosts" ON "provision_interfaces_hosts"."host_id" = "hosts"."id" AND "provision_interfaces_hosts"."provision" = $7
INNER JOIN reports ON reports.host_id = 
WHERE "hosts"."type" IN ('Host::Managed') AND (("hosts"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "hosts"."comment" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "reports".  "origin" ILIKE '%lxserv940%'  OR "models"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "hostgroups"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "hostgroups"."title" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "domains". "name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%'   OR "realms"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "environments"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "architectures"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR          "compute_resources"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "images"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "operatingsystems"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "operatingsystems".            "description" ILIKE        '%lxserv940%' OR "operatingsystems"."title" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "nics"."ip" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "subnets"."network" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR     "subnets"."name"    ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "subnets"."network" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "subnets"."name" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "hosts"."uuid" ILIKE '%lxserv940%' OR "nics". "mac" ILIKE      '%lxserv940%')) AND "reports"."origin" = $8 AND (reports.reported_at BETWEEN '2018-08-22 09:42:20.568842' AND '2018-08-22 09:49:20.568842')

The problem is that there is both a 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' and an 'INNER JOIN' on the reports table, which seem to conflict. Maybe the INNER JOIN can be removed, or the joins on the report table should be aliased?

This is on Foreman 1.18.0.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Foreman - Feature #22779: Calculate out of sync host via origin specific interval settingClosedSebastian Gräßl03/05/2018Actions
Actions #1

Updated by Tomer Brisker over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #22779: Calculate out of sync host via origin specific interval setting added
Actions #2

Updated by Ohad Levy over 6 years ago

i can confirm similar error on mysql too.

Actions #3

Updated by Tomer Brisker over 6 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.18.3
Actions #4

Updated by The Foreman Bot over 6 years ago

  • Pull request added
Actions #5

Updated by Tomer Brisker over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
  • Assignee set to Sebastian Gräßl
Actions #6

Updated by Tomer Brisker over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready For Testing to Resolved
  • Target version deleted (1.18.3)

We haven't managed to reproduce this issue with any newer release, closing for now. If issue persists in a current version please reopen.


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