Bug #25251
closednon-admin user gets 'PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "puppet_proxy_id" is ambiguous' when trying to view smart-proxy details
When a user without admin privileges navigates the web UI to Infrastructure -> Smart Proxies -> smart-proxy.example.com
We are getting the following error:
ActionView::Template::Error: external method 'search_by_proxy' failed with error: PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "puppet_proxy_id" is ambiguous
Attached production log which shows the SQL query and stack trace.
Updated by Amit Karsale over 6 years ago
need info: what all roles are required for the non-admin user to reproduce the issue.
Tried with roles as :
site manager
view host
together for a single non-admin user and could not reproduce the issue.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
- Triaged changed from Yes to No
Thanks Amit, until we confirm a bug/feature let's keep triaged flag off. Setting status to NeedMoreInfo.
Another question: Are you sure you experienced this in 1.9 version? This is unsupported and very old one, is it 1.19 by chance?
Updated by Kevin Carrasco over 6 years ago
- File desktop-team-filters.csv desktop-team-filters.csv added
- Found in Releases 1.19.0 added
- Found in Releases deleted (
Lukas, Sorry it is Foreman 1.19, I chose the wrong version previously.
Amit, I Created a custom Role called 'desktop-team'. I've attached a csv file with with all the filters for this role as returned by the following hammer command:
hammer --csv filter list --order 'resource type ASC' --search 'desktop-team'
Updated by Kevin Carrasco over 6 years ago
Hi guys,
Is there any more information I can provide to help fix this? I'm open to a remote session as well if it will help in any way.
Updated by Kevin Carrasco over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Rejected