Feature #25263
open[Modularity] - Search Filters are not working in Stream Details Page for Host and Module Spec
Search Filters are not working in Stream Details Page for Host and Module Spec
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to module Stream Details Page. http://localhost:3000/module_streams
2. Search using filters such as host and module spec.
Expected Result
Module Stream Search should work based on filters such as host, module spec
Actual Result
Module Stream Search is not working based on the filters
Updated by Partha Aji over 6 years ago
- File modStreams.png modStreams.png added
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Hmm seems to work for me. Check the screen shot. Is there any search in particular that is not working for you ?
Updated by Omkar Khatavkar over 6 years ago
- File name_filter.png name_filter.png added
- File Module_Spec.png Module_Spec.png added
Ok Search is working I assumed '=' is also work for the not full string such as 'fedora', but seems like we have '~' for that.
But There is another bug in that filter of you do name = -> results showing all list of module streams this is absent in module_spec and host by any reason ? look at my screenshots.
Updated by Omkar Khatavkar over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Feedback
Updated by John Mitsch about 6 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Category set to Repositories
- Status changed from Feedback to New
- Target version set to Katello Backlog
This is going to be hard to implement with the way scoped search is set up, module_spec and host are custom search methods, that is why you don't see it autocomplete. I don't see a way to add a custom autocomplete with scoped search, so this would take some modifying of scoped search currently. I think module_spec is mostly there for us to refer to when linking from the module streams on a host page, but i can understand people want to search by host. I'll keep this open but add to the backlog